Events Calendar
For a list of University-wide dates, including registration dates and semester dates, please refer to the University Registrar. For University-wide events, please refer to the BU Calendar.
All Topics (March 19 through May 2)
Wednesday, March 22
- 3:00 PM BU Wheelock: Let’s talk about why we are using data science in psychological and educational research
- 6:00 PM BU Wheelock: Student Government Trivia Night
Friday, March 24
Thursday, March 30
Friday, March 31
Saturday, April 1
- 9:00 AM Graduate Accepted Students' Day (in-person)
- 2:30 PM BU Wheelock: Documentary Viewing -The Truth about Reading, Sponsored by BU Wheelock
Monday, April 3
- 11:00 AM Graduate Student Appreciation Week Coffee
- 5:00 PM Navigating Language Learning as a Non-Binary Student, with Julia Donnelly Spiegelman
- 6:00 PM BU Alumni & Friends Reception, NASPA Annual Conference
- English Education (Master's) Virtual Info Session
Tuesday, April 4
Wednesday, April 5
Thursday, April 6
- 12:00 PM Doctoral Student Open Forum
- 2:00 PM BU Wheelock: Graduate Student Appreciation Pretzels, Popcorn, and Chair Massages!
Friday, April 7
Tuesday, April 11
- All Day BU Wheelock Giving Day Events in the 2 Silber Lobby
- 5:00 PM Researching Language Learning and Multilingualism: From Social Justice to a Decolonial Lens?
Friday, April 14
Saturday, April 15
Tuesday, April 18
Friday, April 21
Tuesday, April 25
- 12:00 PM Finals Week Grab & Go