Grace Kim Receives Provost’s Scholar-Teacher of the Year Award

Photo by Gwyneth Williams
Grace Kim Receives Provost’s Scholar-Teacher of the Year Award
BU Wheelock faculty member Grace S. Kim was named the Scholar-Teacher of the Year by the BU Provost’s Faculty Teaching Awards Committee. The prestigious award “recognizes outstanding scholars who excel as teachers inside and outside the classroom and who contribute to the art and science of teaching and learning.” Kim was honored at the University’s annual Celebration of Teaching, Research & Scholarship, held on April 25.
My research is inspired by what I learn from my students, interactions in the classroom, and various dilemmas I try to figure out from teaching.
A clinical associate professor of counseling psychology & applied human development, Kim’s work focuses primarily on social justice education and Asian American psychology. She describes her scholarship, teaching, and service as closely tied to one another and centering on social justice and anti-oppressive practice.
“My research is inspired by what I learn from my students, interactions in the classroom, and various dilemmas I try to figure out from teaching,” says Kim.
Kim, who joined the BU Wheelock faculty in 2007, is the co-author of two books, Unraveling Assumptions: A Primer for Understanding Oppression and Privilege, and Teaching Diversity Relationally: Engaging Emotions and Embracing Possibilities. She is also a fellow of the American Psychological Association (Divisions 35 & 45) and the Asian American Psychological Association.
“This award is an acknowledgment of the incredible effort that Dr. Kim puts into her teaching and her extensive expertise in teaching about social justice and diversity,” says BU Wheelock Dean David Chard. “I have always been impressed with her teaching in the classroom. Her work represents the best of what our BU Wheelock community offers in terms of transforming systems to be more equitable and accessible.”