Improved media player coming to Blackboard and MyMedia! Faster loading, responsive design, enhanced mobile, clickable captions.

Learn all about the upgrade on TechWeb, get a sneak peak of the enhancements in functionality, design, and performance on our MyMedia Player Comparison page or visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for answers.

Quick Start

Available to: Students, Faculty, Researchers, Staff, Departments, Guests

Cost: See cost details, below.

Log In

Blackboard Learn is the primary learning management system at Boston University; it is used in on- and off-campus courses, certificate programs, and clerkships. Students can access course materials at any time and from any computer with an Internet connection.


Blackboard Learn offers convenience and flexibility – central to Boston University’s Online Campus programs and key to enhancing the value of modern on-campus courses.  Instructors manage all course materials online, where they are immediately available to students. Instructors can post documents, make announcements, send e-mail, create online assessments, and more. Students can access course documents, send files to their instructor, and access grades directly. Course materials are available 24/7, from any location, allowing students to learn when and where they like.

Key Features

  • Interaction and communication – Students can stay connected with instructors and classmates through e-mail, discussion boards, and blogs.  Instructors can connect their Blackboard site to Zoom or Microsoft Teams for video classes or office hours.
  • Advanced quiz and survey tools – Instructors can create practice tests and gather student feedback online.
  • Excel-compatible grade book – Instructors manage course grades online and download them for use with other applications.
  • Easy document sharing – Upload files with just a few clicks.
  • Built-in anti-plagiarism service – Plagiarism detection is automated by SafeAssign and also integrates directly with Turnitin Feedback Studio.
  • Multimedia integrations – Students enjoy access to course materials designed to enhance their learning experience, including video lectures through Zoom as well as recorded content from MyMedia and Echo360.

What to Expect

This service normally will be available 24 by 7 except for standard change windows, as described in IS&T’s standard policies, procedures, and schedules for making changes.



  • Boston University tuition and fees apply to Online Campus courses and programs.
  • There is no additional charge for registered on-campus students or faculty interested in using the learning management system.

Getting Started

On Campus

Online Campus