Comparing Turnitin and Blackboard SafeAssign

Turnitin and Blackboard SafeAssign are both valuable tools for submission-based assignments and grading, specifically used to detect plagiarism in student work and support academic integrity. This page is dedicated to helping faculty compare the two services in order to decide which is best for a particular course or assignment. Both tools are available through Blackboard, and faculty are encouraged to review each before choosing one to use. 

About Turnitin

Turnitin Feedback Studio is a web application for the grading process. It includes features to streamline the grading process, making commenting more specific. Student work can also be compared against a database of websites and previous paper submissions from within the course and other courses, as well as other schools and universities. Each paper receives an originality report that highlights passages similar to other sources and provides links to original sources.


About SafeAssign

SafeAssign is integrated into Blackboard as part of your course site. It compares submitted assignments against a set of academic papers to identify areas of overlap between the submitted assignment and existing works. After a submission is processed, a report is generated detailing the percentage of text in the submitted paper that matches existing sources. The report shows the suspected sources for each section of the submitted paper that returns a match.


Feature Comparison Chart

Feature SafeAssign Turnitin Notes
Drawing tool Yes No
Rich and creative
Video/audio/mash ups can be embedded within the feedback area, as well as webcam video recordings Text
3 min max audio file can be attached.
Private notes tool (information can be left that will not be seen by the student) Yes No
Spellchecker Yes No
Rubrics Yes Yes (But instructor must manually attach rubric so students can see before submission.)
Control over addition of student papers to the databases Yes - Instructor and student

Instructor controls whether student work is added to the Institutional database Student controls whether their work is added to the Global Reference Database (crossinstitutional)

Yes - Instructor Instructor controls whether student work is added to the Turnitin database (crossinstitutional)
Supports multiple drafts Yes - Set up draft assignment

Instructor creates a "draft assignment" for each draft. Draft assignments not stored in SafeAssign databases; therefore, subsequent drafts are not compared to the original.

Instructor creates a regular SafeAssignment for the final draft.

Yes - Add to an existing assignment Instructor creates a "revision assignment" for work that was previously submitted. Revision assignments are stored in the Turnitin database, but are not compared to the original.
Supports multiple submissions of the same assignment Yes - Instructor must clear the original assignment to allow students to resubmit. Each submission overwrites the previous submission Yes - Instructor can set up an assignment that allows students to submit papers multiple times until the due date, generating a new originality report each time. Each submission overwrites the previous submission.
Preloaded Comments No - Workaround is copying and pasting from a template of comments (e.g. on Word). Yes (QuickMark)
Paper Annotations No The GradeMark functionality allows the instructor to add comments, add the grade, apply rubrics (marking guide) completely online
Online Marking (computer / laptop) Yes Yes The online marking functionality of Turnitin is superior
Mobile device marking (tablet / mobile) Yes - iPad Yes - iPad No current apps for Android / Windows devices
Offline marking using App Blackboard Grader Yes
Supports multiple/delegated marking Yes No
Double (triple, quadruple etc) Blind Marking Yes No "Blind Marking" is the process of hiding any identifying information about a student while someone is grading their work

"Double Blind Marking" is the same as Blind Marking except that multiple graders may be scoring a student's work, and none of the graders can see how the others are scoring

Multiple marker feedback Yes No
Integration with Blackboard Yes Yes - Some issues Copying assignment content areas to other courses can cause issues (note: this is caused by Blackboard software not TurnItIn)
Support marking Group assignments (one member submitting on behalf of group) Yes No
Portfolio Assignment Yes No
Quality/size of database (Published work) The Internet, 6,800+ journals The Internet, 130 million articles
Method for backing up of marked work As scripts are stored on local server, these are usually backed up with VLE server backups. Script can be added to complete additional backups. Yes - but must be done assignment by assignment. Bulk download per assignment possible into zip file.
Allows use of rubrics Yes, in app or IMS standard for import and export (which IMS standard?) Yes - can be built in app, or imported from Excel
Maximum file size accepted for submission 10MB 20MB
Accepted file types for originality checking (e.g. MS Word, PDF etc.) DOCX, DOC, PDF, TXT, RTF, HTML, HTM and ODT DOCX, DOC, PDF, TXT, RTF, HTML, HTM, PS, PPT, PPTX, WordPerfect
Direct Submission from cloud storage services? No Yes. Google Drive and Dropbox.