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    Login and Get Started

    To start using Feedback Studio, you must first create a User Profile using the following steps:

    1. Visit the Create Account page.  Select your role (Student, Instructor or Teaching Assistant) under the Create A New Account section.
    2. After you have selected your role, you will be directed to a page that asks for the institutional login information. Please see the login information page to access the account ID and join password.
    3. You will register your own unique username and password to access

    Submitting an Assignment

    • Submit papers via the Assignments course menu.
    • One submission per assignment is allowed.
    • The GradeMark page and Originality Report are not available to students.

    Submission Instructions

    1. Go to Assignments via the Assignments Course Menu link.
    2. Click on View/Complete at the end of the assignment instructions.
    3. Select the Agreement.
    4. Enter a title for the assignment, browse for the file, and Upload.

          Feedback Studio: Originality Check and GradeMark

          1. To access student submissions, select Control PanelCourse Tools on the left side in the course.
            • Select Turnitin Assignments to view all student assignments.
            • Select Turnitin Assignments by Groups to see a specific group.
          2. Choose an assignment title to review.
          3. Select the class section from the drop-down menu and click Go.
          4. Click on a student’s file title to open the submission.
          5. You are now in Feedback Studio and can check originality and use extra grading functionality. To learn more about using Feedback Studio, see:

          Learn More