Michael C. Harper
Professor of Law Emeritus
Barreca Labor Relations Scholar
AB magna cum laude, Harvard University
JD magna cum laude, Harvard University
Michael Harper is a leading authority in the areas of labor law, employment law, and employment discrimination law. Professor Harper has been engaged by the study of these fields since joining the faculty in 1978. He stresses that the law governing employment is critical to the organization of society and the setting of social priorities. He notes that students are both motivated by the human narratives in litigated employment cases and also challenged by the complex laws and regulations governing the field.
Professor Harper has co-authored several major casebooks, both in Employment Discrimination and Employment Law and in Labor Law. Professor Harper is the author of many law review articles and book chapters on a broad variety of labor and employment law topics, including the definition of the employment relationship, age discrimination in employment, the scope of bargaining and bargaining responsibilities, consumer boycotts, antitrust and labor law, and the allocation of decision making authority between federal and state courts and between the Labor Board and private arbitrators. He has published in a wide array of journals, including the Harvard Law Review, the Yale Law Journal, the Virginia Law Review, the Pennsylvania Law Review, the Cornell law Review, and the Michigan Law Review. One of his major recent articles, “Judicial Control of the National Labor Relations Board’s Lawmaking” was published in the Boston University Law Review. His current developing research interests include aggregate employment discrimination litigation, employment regulation and collective bargaining in a world of franchising and subcontracting, and comparative employment and labor law. His most recent major article compared aspects of British and American employment law.
Professor Harper served as a reporter for the American Law Institute’s Restatement of Employment Law Third. He was the primary author of chapters that clarify the boundaries of the employment relationship regulated by federal and state law, specify principles of employer liability for the actions or omissions of their agents, and articulate standards for a range of employment torts. Early in his career, Professor Harper clerked for Judge J. Skelly Wright of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and served as staff attorney and director of the Student Internship Program at the Center for Law and Social Policy in Washington, DC.
In addition to teaching classes in labor law, employment law and civil procedure, Professor Harper offers a popular seminar examining law and sports and is now teaching civil procedure. He is co-author of the leading teaching text for Sports Law courses. A life-long connoisseur of American and English literature, he also has an interest in law and literature.
- Profile Types
- Faculty, Full-Time Faculty, Professors & Clinical Instructors, and Professors Emeritus
- Areas of Interest
- Civil Procedure, Employment Discrimination Law, Employment Law, Labor Law, and Sports Law
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Michael C. Harper, Samuel Estreicher & Zachary Fasman, Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination and Employment Law, the Field as Practiced, 6th ed. (2022)
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Michael C. Harper, Escaping the Allure of Joint Employment: Using Fault-Based Principles to Impose Liability for the Denial of Employee Statutory Rights 36 ABA Journal of Labor and Employment Law (2022)
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Michael C. Harper, The Respondeat Superior Principle and Interest Alignment: Assigning Responsibility for Worker Statutory Benefits and Protections, in Sharing the Gains of the U.S. Global Economy: Proceedings of the New York University 70th Annual Conference on Labor (Charlotte Garden & Samuel Estreicher,2021)
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Michael C. Harper, Samuel Estreicher & Kati Griffith, Labor Law: Cases and Materials, 9th ed. (2021)
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Michael C. Harper, Samuel Estreicher & Kati Griffith, Labor Law: Selected Statutes, Forms, and Agreements, 2021 (2021)
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Michael C. Harper, Clarifying the Default for Anti-Discrimination Statutes The Regulatory Review (2020)
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Michael C. Harper, Using the Anglo-American Respondeat Superior Principle to Assign Responsibility for Worker Statutory Benefits and Protections 18 Washington University Global Studies Law Review (2019)
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Paul C. Weiler, Gary R. Roberts, Roger I. Adams, Michael C. Harper, Jodi S. Balsam & William W. Berry III, Sports and the Law, 6th ed. (2019)
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Michael C. Harper, The Restatement of Employment Law's "Independent Business Person-Entrepreneurial Control" Test for Employee Status, in Who is an Employee and Who is the Employer?: Proceedings of the New York University 68th Annual Conference on Labor (Samuel Estreicher & Kati Griffith,2017)
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Michael C. Harper, Samuel Estreicher & Elizabeth Tippett, Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination: The Field as Practiced, 5th ed. (2016)
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Michael C. Harper, Samuel Estreicher & Elizabeth Tippett, Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination and Employment Law: The Field as Practiced, 5th ed. (2016)
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Samuel Estreicher, Michael C. Harper & Elizabeth Tippett, Cases and Materials on Employment Law, the Field as Practiced, 5th ed. (2016)
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Michael C. Harper, A more fundamental distinction for the contemporary economy between employee and independent contractor status 107 Amicus Curiae (2016)
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Michael C. Harper, Distinguishing Disparate Treatment from Disparate Impact; Confusion on the Court No. 15-52 Boston University School of Law, Public Law Research Paper (2015)
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Michael C. Harper, Explaining the Blurred Line Between Employment and Independent Contracting JOTWELL (2015)
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Michael C. Harper, Samuel Estreicher, Matthew T. Bodie & Stewart J. Schwab, Foreword: The Restatement of Employment Law Project 100 Cornell Law Review (2015)
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Michael C. Harper, Class-Based Adjudication of Title VII Claims in the Age of the Roberts Court No. 15-09 Boston University School of Law, Public Law Research Paper (2015)
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Samuel Estreicher, Matthew T. Bodie, Michael C. Harper & Stewart J. Schwab, Restatement of the Law Third, Employment Law (2015)
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Michael C. Harper, Samuel Estreicher & Kati Griffith, Labor Law: Cases, Materials, and Problems, 8th ed. (2015)
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Michael C. Harper, Fashioning a General Common Law for Employment in an Age of Statutes No. 14-64 Boston University School of Law, Public Law Research Paper (2014)
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Michael C. Harper, Samuel Estreicher, Matthew T. Bodie & Stewart J. Schwab, Restatement of the Law, Employment Law (Proposed Final Draft) (2014)
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Michael C. Harper, Internalizing The Costs Of Employment Law Violations JOTWELL (2014)
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Samuel Estreicher, Matthew T. Bodie, Michael C. Harper & Stewart J. Schwab, Restatement of the Law Third, Employment Law, Tentative Draft No. 6 (2013)
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Michael C. Harper, Retaliatory Capital Allocation or Defensive Dual Sourcing: the Boeing Dreamliner Case, in Proceedings of the New York University Annual Conference of Labor (2013)
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Michael C. Harper, First Amendment Protection for Union Appeals to Consumers 27 Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender & Society (2012)
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Samuel Estreicher, Matthew T. Bodie, Michael C. Harper & Stewart J. Schwab, Restatement of the Law Third, Employment Law, Tentative Draft No. 5 (2012)
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Michael C. Harper & Samuel Estreicher, Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination and Employment Law, 4th ed. (2012)
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Samuel Estreicher & Michael C. Harper, Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination Law, 4th ed. (2012)
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Michael C. Harper, Reforming the Age Discrimination in Employment Act: Proposals and Prospects 16 Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal (2012)
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Samuel Estreicher, Matthew T. Bodie, Michael C. Harper & Stewart J. Schwab, Restatement of the Law Third, Employment Law, Tentative Draft No. 4 (2011)
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Michael C. Harper, Eliminating the Need for Caps on Title VII Damage Awards: The Shield of Kolstad v. American Dental Association 14 New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy (2011)
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Samuel Estreicher & Michael C. Harper, 2011 Supplement to Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination and Employment Law (2011)
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Samuel Estreicher & Michael C. Harper, 2010-11 Supplement to Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination and Employment Law, 3rd ed. (2011)
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Michael C. Harper & Samuel Estreicher, Labor Law: Cases, Materials, and Problems, 7th ed. (2011)
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Michael C. Harper, A Gap in the Agenda: Enhancing the Regulation of Age Discrimination in Employment, in Proceedings of New York University Annual Conference of Labor (2011)
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Michael C. Harper, Conceptualizing Disability Discrimination JOTWELL (2010)
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Samuel Estreicher, Matthew T. Bodie, Michael C. Harper & Stewart J. Schwab, Restatement of the Law Third, Employment Law, Tentative Draft No. 3 (2010)
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Michael C. Harper, A New Board Policy on Deferral to Arbitration: Acknowledging and Delimiting Union Waiver of Employee Statutory Rights 5 FIU Law Review (2010)
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Michael C. Harper, The Causation Standard in Federal Employment Law: Gross v. FBL Financial Services, Inc., and the Unfulfilled Promise of the Civil Rights Act of 1991 58 Buffalo Law Review (2010)
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Samuel Estreicher, Matthew T. Bodie, Michael C. Harper, Andrew P. Morriss & Stewart J. Schwab, Restatement of the Law Third, Employment Law, Tentative Draft No. 2 (2009)
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Michael C. Harper, Judicial Control of the National Labor Relations Board's Lawmaking in the Age of Chevron and Brand X 89 Boston University Law Review (2009)
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Samuel Estreicher, Michael C. Harper & Stewart J. Schwab, Restatement of the Law Third, Employment Law, Tentative Draft No. 1 (2008)
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Samuel Estreicher & Michael C. Harper, Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination and Employment Law (2008)
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Samuel Estreicher & Michael C. Harper, Cases and Materials on Employment Law, 3rd ed. (2008)
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Samuel Estreicher & Michael C. Harper, Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination Law, 3rd ed. (2008)
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Michael C. Harper, Samuel Estreicher & Joan Flynn, Labor Law: Cases, Materials, and Problems, 6th ed. (2007)
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Michael C. Harper & Joan Flynn, Federal Common Lawmaking for the Modern Age, in Employment Discrimination Stories (Joel William Friedman,2006)
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Michael C. Harper, William R. Corbett & E. Dannin, Bush Labor Board Decisions: Pendulum Shift of Permanent Changes? 56 Labor Law Journal (2005)
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Samuel Estreicher & Michael C. Harper, Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination Law (2004)
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Samuel Estreicher & Michael C. Harper, Cases and Materials on Employment Law (2004)
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Samuel Estreicher & Michael C. Harper, Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination and Employment Law, 2nd ed. (2004)
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Michael C. Harper, Samuel Estreicher & Joan Flynn, Labor Law: Cases, Materials, and Problems, 5th ed. (2003)
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Michael C. Harper, A Framework for the Rejuvenation of the American Labor Movement 76 Indiana Law Journal (2001)
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Samuel Estreicher & Michael C. Harper, Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination and Employment Law (2000)
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Samuel Estreicher & Michael C. Harper, Statutory Supplement to Cases and Materials on Employment Discrimination and Employment Law (2000)
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Michael C. Harper, Answering the Title VII Agency Question: A Policy Basis for Faragher and Ellerth, in Proceedings of the New York University 51st Annual Conference on Labor (2000)
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Michael C. Harper, Employer Liability for Harassment Under Title VII: A Functional Rationale for Faragher and Ellerth 36 San Diego Law Review (1999)
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Michael C. Harper, The Provision of Capital and Collective Bargaining Responsibilities, in Proceedings of New York University 50th Annual Conference on Labor (1999)
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Michael C. Harper, The Continuing Relevance of Section 8 (a) (2) to the Contemporary Workplace 96 Michigan Law Review (1998)
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Michael C. Harper, Defining the Economic Relationship Appropriate for Collective Bargaining 39 Boston College Law Review (1998)
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Michael C. Harper, Multiemployer Bargaining, Antitrust Law, and Team Sports: The Contingent Choice of a Broad Exemption 38 William & Mary Law Review (1997)
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Michael C. Harper, ADEA Doctrinal Impediments to the Fulfillment of the Wirtz Report Agenda 31 University of Richmond Law Review (1997)
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Michael C. Harper, Comment on the Tort/Crime Distinction: A Generation Later 76 Boston University Law Review (1996)
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Michael C. Harper & Samuel Estreicher, Labor Law: Cases, Materials, and Problems, 4th ed. (1996)
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Samuel Estreicher & Michael C. Harper, 1994 Supplement to Cases and Materials on the Law Governing the Employment Relationship, 2nd ed. (1994)
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Michael C. Harper, Age-Based Incentives, Coercion, and the Prospective Waiver of ADEA Rights: The Failure of the Older Workers' Benefit Protection Act 79 Virginia Law Review (1993)
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Samuel Estreicher & Michael C. Harper, Cases and Materials on the Law Governing the Employment Relationship, 2nd ed. (1992)
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Samuel Estreicher & Michael C. Harper, 1991 Supplement to Cases and Materials on the Law Governing the Employment Relationship (1991)
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Samuel Estreicher & Michael C. Harper, Statutory Supplement to Cases and Materials on the Law Governing the Employment Relationship (1990)
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Samuel Estreicher & Michael C. Harper, Cases and Materials on the Law Governing the Employment Relationship (1990)
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Michael C. Harper, Limiting Section 301 Preemption: Three Cheers for the Trilogy, Only One for Lingle and Lueck 66 Chicago-Kent Law Review (1990)
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Michael C. Harper, Reconciling Collective Bargaining with Employee Supervision of Management 137 University of Pennsylvania Law Review (1988)
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Michael C. Harper, The Scope of the Duty to Bargain Concerning Business Transformations, in Labor Law and Business Change: Theoretical and Transactional Perspectives (Daniel G. Collins & Samuel Estreicher,1988)
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Michael C. Harper, The Case for Limiting Judicial Review of Labor Board Certification Decisions 55 George Washington Law Review (1987)
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Michael C. Harper & Ira C. Lupu, Fair Representation as Equal Protection 98 Harvard Law Review (1985)
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Michael C. Harper, The Consumer's Emerging Right to Boycott: NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware and its Implications for American Labor Law 93 Yale Law Journal (1984)
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Michael C. Harper, Leveling the Road from Borg-Warner to First National Maintenance: The Scope of Mandatory Bargaining 68 Virginia Law Review (1982)
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Michael C. Harper, The Exercise of Executive Discretion: A Study of a Regional Office of the Department of Labor 34 Administrative Law Review (1982)
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Michael C. Harper, Union Waiver of Employee Rights under the NLRA: Part I 4 Industrial Relations Law Journal (1981)
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Michael C. Harper, Union Waiver of Employee Rights under the NLRA: Part II - A Fresh Approach to Board Deferral to Arbitration 4 Industrial Relations Law Journal (1981)
Scholarly Commons
In the Media
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Boston University October 11, 2024
Research on Cte and Concussions Changed the NFL. Experts Say That’s Not Enough
Michael Harper is quoted.
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Law360 June 1, 2023
3 Lessons For Employers From Judge’s Fitness-For-Duty Suit
Michael Harper is quoted.
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TLNT April 21, 2023
The Job Ad That Was Too Much of a ‘Hit’; IT Workers Refuse to Implement Staff Monitoring
Michael Harper is quoted.
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HR Grapevine April 20, 2023
Religious Freedom? Supreme Court Case Could Set Precedence for Worker Rights
Michael Harper provides insight.
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Conservative Brief April 18, 2023
Big Supreme Court News on Case Involving Christian Worker’s Refusal to Work Sundays
Michael Harper is quoted.
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Reuters Events April 16, 2023
US Supreme Court Considers Christian Mail Carrier’s Refusal to Work Sundays
Michael Harper is quoted.
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Boston Globe March 31, 2023
‘This Has Been Devastating’: Wayland Is Divided over Racism Allegations after Black Superintendent Is Placed on Leave
Michael C. Harper is quoted.
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Law360 February 17, 2023
Unions Split over Massachusetts Gig Worker Benefits Plan
Michael Harper is quoted.
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BU News Service September 28, 2022
Low Stipends, Labor Rights and a New Hope: Into the Formation of the BU Graduate Workers Union
Michael C. Harper is quoted.
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Yahoo! Finance February 14, 2022
Why Tesla Could End Up Paying a ‘Huge Settlement’ in Racial Bias Case
Michael Harper is quoted.
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NBC 4 News September 11, 2021
Biden’s Vaccine Rules to Set Off Barrage of Legal Challenges
Michael Harper is quoted.
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Poynter August 6, 2021
Getting Fired Over a Vaccine Mandate May Cost You Unemployment Aid
Michael Harper is quoted.
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Law360 June 25, 2021
5 Ways House Age Bias Bill May Change Discrimination Cases
Michael Harper is quoted.
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Bloomberg Law June 14, 2021
Vaccine Incentives Guidance From EEOC Leaves Employers Guessing
Michael Harper is quoted.
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Law 360 April 21, 2021
McDonald’s Anti-Harassment Push Brings Joint Employer Risk
Michael Harper is quoted.
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Activities & Engagements
No upcoming activities or engagements.
Aggregate Litigation: LAW JD 977
This course will be an introduction to the practice of aggregate litigation from a social justice perspective. Topics will include all aspects of class action practice, an introduction to multidistrict litigation, attorney general and public advocate public interest litigation, public client cases, non-class aggregate litigation, selected bankruptcy issues for individuals as creditors, and other possibilities for litigating public interest issues at scale. Much of the course will focus on consumer protection (including products liability), civil rights and regulated business activities. A sub-unit will address solutions, at scale, to gun violence.
FALL 2024: LAW JD 977 A1 , Sep 3rd to Dec 5th 2024Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
Tue,Thu | 2:30 pm | 4:00 pm | 3 | Klein | LAW | 702 |
Civil Procedure: LAW JD 873
Examines the structure and function of civil procedure and the requirements of due process of law.
FALL 2024: LAW JD 873 A1 , Sep 3rd to Dec 5th 2024Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
Mon,Wed | 2:10 pm | 4:10 pm | 4 | David H. Webber | LAW | 212 |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
Mon,Wed | 8:30 am | 10:30 am | 4 | Tiffani Darden | LAW | 211 |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
Mon,Wed | 10:40 am | 12:40 pm | 4 | Naomi M. Mann | LAW | 102 |
This course is about the legal regulation of the employment relationship in the U.S. It surveys relevant common law doctrines and selected statutes affecting this. Among the substantive issues to be considered are the at-will default rule (and many of its modifications); regulation of wages and workplace safety; unemployment insurance; whistle-blowing; workplace disputes about property rights (including restrictive covenants surrounding trade secrets, non-compete; arbitration agreements); torts arising in employment contexts (negligent hiring and retention; defamation); liability coverage, and other topics.
FALL 2024: LAW JD 834 A1 , Sep 3rd to Dec 5th 2024Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
Mon,Wed | 10:45 am | 12:10 pm | 3 | Benjamin David Pyle | LAW | 101 |
Independent Externship: Independent Study: LAW JD 710
This CLASS IS RESTRICTED to students who have received permission from the Clinical and Experiential Programs Office to enroll. Students receive credit for an externship done in conjunction with an independent study project. Qualifying placements include the legal departments of non-profits, government agencies, private companies, or law firms. Placements may be paid or unpaid. Students may find their own placements that must be approved by the Clinical and Experiential Programs Office, or the Office has resources to help students identify and apply to suitable field placements based on their interests and career goals. Students receive 3-9 variable P/F credits for their fieldwork, as determined in consultation with their placement supervisors. Each credit requires 50 hours of work over the course of the 13-week semester (averaging 4 hours per week). NOTE: Students who enroll in this externship may count the credits toward the 6 credit Experiential Learning requirement. COREQUISITE: INDEPENDENT PROPOSAL EXTERNSHIP: FIELDWORK (LAW JD 709).
FALL 2024: LAW JD 710 A1 , Sep 3rd to Dec 5th 2024Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | 2 | Kate Devlin JoyceHaefner |
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ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | 2 | Kate Devlin Joyce |
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ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | 2 | Cecily Banks |
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Labor Law: LAW JD 851
Labor law structures the process through which workers organize and engage collectively, rather than individually, with their employers. This course will cover the basics of private sector labor law in the United States. We will study the National Labor Relations Act and the processes of union organizing and collective bargaining that the NLRA establishes. We will also consider historical perspectives on labor law, issues particular to public sector unions, union participation in the political process, the “right to work,” and the ability of non-unionized workers to engage in concerted action. Finally, through the lens of labor law, the course will tackle issues of statutory interpretation, administrative law, and constitutional law. The materials are not intended to cover the legal rights of individual employees outside of the NLRA. Students interested in in-depth treatment of those topics are encouraged to take Employment Law and/or Employment Discrimination instead of or in addition to this class. To enroll in this class, students must have completed Contract Law, Tort Law, and Constitutional Law.
SPRG 2025: LAW JD 851 A1 , Jan 13th to Apr 23rd 2025Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
Tue,Thu | 10:45 am | 12:10 pm | 3 | Elmore | LAW | 605 |
Law and Sports: LAW JD 886
This seminar will survey a range of legal issues presented by sports in America. There are no pre-requisites. However, students should be prepared to learn basic principles of antitrust law and labor law and how these principles have influenced the regulation of professional sports franchises and leagues and the relationship between players and owners. Intellectual property law, tort law, and agency law, as applied in the professional sports context will also be studied and applied. Topics will include the legal, contractual, and economic relationship between professional sports franchises and the sports and entertainment venues in which they play, and the ownership of athlete identity and its utilization by athletes, teams, sponsors, and equipment manufacturers. The course will also focus upon the negotiation of significant contracts that govern the relationship between stakeholders in the sports industry, such as venue leases, naming rights agreements, sponsorships, and athlete endorsement agreements. Grades will be based on contract interpretation exercises and writing, an advocacy writing and oral class participation. There is no examination. UPPER-CLASS WRITING REQUIREMENT: This class may not be used to satisfy the requirement. OFFERING PATTERN: This class not offered every year. Students are advised to take this into account when planning their long-term schedule. ** A student who fails to attend the initial meeting of a seminar, or to obtain permission to be absent from either the instructor or the Registrar, will be administratively dropped from the seminar. Students who wait list for a seminar are required to attend the first seminar meeting to be considered for enrollment.
SPRG 2025: LAW JD 886 A1 , Jan 13th to Apr 23rd 2025Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
Tue | 2:10 pm | 4:10 pm | 3 | Michael J. Wall | LAW | 418 |
Supervised Research and Writing: LAW JD 841
Upper-class students may pursue a special research interest under the guidance of a full time faculty member, and earn one or two semester credits for a Supervised Research and Writing project (also known as an Independent Study). The study must involve a substantial investment of time and effort, and result in significant written work that reflects a high standard of legal scholarship. The student's final grade will be based solely upon written work submitted, and will be included in the student's average. NOTE: Students must register for Supervised Research and Writing directly with the Registrar's Office. You may not register via the Student Link.
FALL 2024: LAW JD 841 A1 , Sep 3rd to Dec 5th 2024Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Ngozi Okidegbe |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Sarah R. Sherman-Stokes |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Michael J. Meurer |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Robert L. Tsai |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Karen Pita Loor |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Naomi M. Mann |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Yoana Kuzmova |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Shira M. Diner |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Julio Henriquez |
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ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Aziza Ahmed |
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ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Sadiq Reza |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Stacey Dogan |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Stefanie B. Weigmann |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Shira M. Diner |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Sadiq Reza |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Glass |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Alan L. Feld |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Erika George |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Katharine B. Silbaugh |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Keith N. Hylton |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Keith N. Hylton |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Debbie Freitas |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | David H. Webber |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Hodo Walker |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
ARR | 12:00 am | 12:00 am | Var | Weijia Rao |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |
Days | Start | End | Credits | Instructors | Bldg | Room |