Annual Alumni Awards
Silver Shingle Awards
Every year, Boston University School of Law presents three outstanding alumni with The Silver Shingle Awards. The three Silver Shingle Awards are the Silver Shingle for Service to the Profession, the Silver Shingle for Service to the School, and the Silver Shingle for Service to the Community.
Past Silver Shingle Award Recipients
Gregory H. Adamian ’51
Hon. Frederic W. Allen ’51
Hon. Lincoln C. Almond ’61
Warren Alpert CLA ’42
Howard S. Altarescu ’74
Hans Angermueller
Hon. Armand Arabian ’61
Hon. James P. Archibald ’37
Robert J. Bagdasarian ’60
F. Lee Bailey ’60
Christopher A. Barreca ’53
Nancy E. Barton ’76
Hon. William F. Batchelder ’52
Kirk M. Bauer ’78
Philip S. Beck ’76
Professor Jack M. Beermann
Herbert H. Bennett ’53
Peter Bennett ’85
Professor Robert G. Bone
Professor Joseph F. Brodley
Hon. Edward W. Brooke ’48, ’50
Robert A. Brown
Thomas D. Burns ’43
Robert T. Butler ’55
Prof. Clark Byse
Dean Ronald Cass
Jacqueline Caster ’83
Arthur A. Charpentier ’48
Lt Col Robert P. Chatham ’99
Martha Coakley ’79
Hon. Bernard Cohen ’48
Gerard H. Cohen ’62
Richard S. Cohen ’63
Hon. William S. Cohen ’65
Elliot H. Cole ’60
Earle C. Cooley ’57
D. Jesse Costa ’54
Delida A. Costin ’95
Thomas A. Cox ’69
Charles B. Curtis ’65
Hon. Kathleen Ryan Dacey ’45
Hon. Norman E. D’Amours ’63
Dean C. Davies ’22
Margaret der Hagopian ’47
Louis F. DiGiovanni ’52
James S. Dilday ’72
Judith Nelson Dilday ’74
Richard K. Donahue ’51
Hon. Charles G. Douglas III ’68
Hon. Richard P. Dunfey ’55
Leo Dunn ’49
Hon. Harry J. Elam ’51
J. Newton Esdaile ’27, ’29
James N. Esdaile Jr. ’70
Thomas Farrell ’91
Hon. Joseph J. Fauliso ’39
Hon. Thomas F. Fay ’65
Adele and William Feder
Professor Alan Feld
Hon. George J. Feldman ’25
Leonard M. Fertman ’64
Ellen J.Flannery ’78
Hon. Felix Forte ’16
Hon. J. John Fox ’25
Louis J. Fox ’68
Maurice S. Fox
Professor Tamar Frankel
Hon. Frank H. Freedman ’49
Scott L. Fredericksen ’77
Michael D. Fricklas ’84
Professor Dan J. Freehling
Nunziato Fusaro ’17
Carolyn Jacoby Gabbay ’76
Hon. William Garbose ’39
Victor J. Garo ’65
William M. Gibson ’59
Robert J. Glovsky ’76
Richard C. Godfrey ’79
Hon. Arthur Goldberg
Robert B. Goldfarb ’67
Charles M. Goldman ’24
Dr. Henry Goldman
Jane Goldstein ’89
Marvin M. Goldstein ’69
Max Goldstein ’22
Richard A. Goldstein ’66
William Gorin ’28
Alan W. Granwell ’68
Hon. Judd A. Gregg ’72
Hon. Robert F. Griffith ’36
Hon. William A. Grimes ’37
Eugene P. Grisanti ’53
Robert F. Grondine ’80
Jane Wallis Gumble ’81
Ernest M. Haddad ’64
Arnold P. Hanson ’51
H. Peter Haveles ’80
Professor Neil S. Hecht
Hon. Edward F. Hennesey ’49
George M. Herlihy ’47
Kay H. Hodge ’72, ’77
Richard G. Hoffman ’68
Albert H. Holgerson ’67
Robert W. Holmes, Jr. ’70
Hon. Julian Houston ’71
Bernard Hyatt
Hon. Katherine Liacos Izzo ’60
Melanie B. Jacobs ’94
Grover G. Jackson, Jr. ’66, ’72
Dr. G. Henry Jarecki
Issie Jenkins ’59
Glen R. Johnson
Clarence B. Jones ’59
Hon. Barbara C. Jordan ’59
Harvey Kaplan ’74
Lawrence E. Kaplan ’68
Prof. Wendy Kaplan
Yousuf Karsh
Richard A. Karelitz ’74
Prof. Jill F. Kasle ’72
Hon. Thomas F. Kelleher ’48
Bruce Keller ’79
David E. Kelley ’83
Hon. Frank R. Kenison ’32
Christopher A. Kenney ’90
Robert B. Kent ’49
William H. Kleh ’71
Professor Lois H. Knight
Spencer R. Koch ’22
Andrei Kodjak ’91
Stephen A. Kolodny ’65
Theodore I. Koskoff ’36
William H. Kurtis |
Prof. Pnina Lahav ’83
Allan Landau ’58
Dean Landau ’70
Henry Landau ’55
James Landau ’85
Raphael Landau ’27
Reuben Landau ’26
William Landau ’59
Hon. Paul J. Liacos ’52
Hon. Joseph S. Longo ’39
Hon. Sandra L. Lynch ’71
William F. Macauley ’69
Daniel G. MacLeod ’50
Hon. Boyce F. Martin III
Christine A. Marx
Hon. Arthur M. Mason ’50
Edward D. McCarthy ’62
Peter H. McCausland ’74
Hon. Edward J. McCormack Jr. ’52
Hon. Thomas W. McGee ’53
Hon. Matthew F. McGuire ’26
Hon. James F. McHugh ’70
Glendora McIlwain Putnam ’48
Hon. Thomas J. McIntyre ’40
Denzil McKenzie ’76
George Michaels ’48
Jack B. Middleton ’56
Richard E. Mikels ’72
Ann Bakalar Milgroom
Alan R. Miller ’65
Frances H. Miller ’65
Walter W. Miller, Jr.
Howard Moore, Jr. ’60
Charles H. Morin ’49
Hon. F. Bradford Morse ’49
Hon. Beatrice H. Mullaney ’27
Hon. Florence K. Murray ’42
Hon. Paul F. Murray ’42
Hon. Jospeh P. Nadeau
Martin S. Needelman ’69
Earl H. Nemser ’70
Gerald L. Nissenbaum ’67
Dean Maureen A. O’Rourke
James T. Owens III ’77
Katherine Pappas
Bernice Downs Parks ’25
Earle C. Parks ’25
Charles R. Parrott ’64
Brainard “Skip” Patton ’69
Hon. John Garett Penn ’57
Hon. Raymond Pettine ’37
Professor Mark Pettit
John J. Phelan Jr. ’40
Irving H. Picard ’66
N. Neal Pike ’37
Bettina B. Plevan ’70
Hon. William E. Powers ’35
Myron Dean Quon ’93
Sidney Rabb
Daniel J. Rea, Jr. ’74
Sumner Redstone
Geraldo Rivera
Hon. David G. Roberts ’56
Hon. Dennis J. Roberts II ’31
Hon. George W. Roberts ’25
Hon. Thomas H. Roberts ’31
John Robinson ’64
Hon. Chase T. Rogers ’83
Lt. Commander Jacob Romelhardt ’05
Hon. David A. Rose ’27
Eugene L. Rubin ’61
Daniel D. Rubinstein ’95
Professor William E. Ryckman, Jr.
Annapoorni R. Sankaran ’95
J. Michael Schell ’76
Bernice Schwartz
William Schwartz ’55
Veronica Serrato ’88
Samuel N. Shapiro
George J. Sherman ’35
Nancy Shor ’76
Hon. Sadie Lipner Shulman ’11
John R. Silber
Norbert A. Simmons ’72
Professor Kenneth W. Simons
Larry L. Simms ’73
Dean Paul M. Siskind
Linda Joan Skinner
Edward S. Snyder ’65
Richard A. Soden ’70
Hon. Jacob J. Spiegel ’22
Hon. Robert T. Stafford ’38
Hon. Fernand St Germain ’55
Austin T. Stickells ’47
Faye Yoffa Stone ’47
Neil Sugarman ’65
Paul R. Sugarman ’54
Patricia Ann Sullivan ’72
Edward M. Swartz ’58
Hon. Alvin C. Tamkin ’48
Hon. G. Joseph Tauro ’27
Wendell C. Taylor ’95
Craig S. Thompson ’79
John. L. Thompson ’63
Maj. Gen. Stephen D. Tom ’74
Hon. Juan R. Torruella ’57
Hon. William W. Treat ’46
William H. Tucker ’49
William B. Tyler ’51
Hon. Robert W. Upton ’07
Hon. Allan van Gestel ’61
Robert Volk ’78
Arthur T. Wasserman ’34
Oscar A. Wasserman ’62
Randall W. Weeks ’29
Barry Y. Weiner ’66
Hon. Clifton R. Wharton ’20
Hon. Frank J. Williams ’70
Jeffrey Woolf ’74
Robert G. Woolf ’52
Susan Yashar ’83
Stephen M. Zide ’86
Arnold I. Zaltas ’58
Xinhua Howard Zhang ’93
Nina B. Zolt ’76 |
Young Lawyer’s Chair
This Young Lawyer’s Chair is presented each year to the alumna/us whose performance and commitment, in ten years or less since graduation, reflects great credit upon the School of Law.
Past Young Lawyer's Chair Recipients
- Anil D. Aggarwal ’95
- Peter Alvarez ’14
- Erin M. Anderman ’08
- Jonathan E. Anderman ’08
- Nana A. Annan ’12
- Patrick M. Ardis ’75
- Brian Balduzzi ’13, ’14
- Joan Gozonsky Chamberlain ’78
- Jared Cohen ’13
- Leslie Cohen ’74
- William Cohen ’65
- Hon. Bertram H. Cottine ’72
- Danielle E. DeBenedictis ’71
- Martin P. Desmery ’87
- Charles Douglas ’68
- James C. Fox ’86
- Carolyn Jacoby Gabbay ’76
- Rebecca A. Galeota ’99
- Celina Gerbic ’91
- Michael A. Gollin ’84
- Michael E. Haglund ’77
- H. Stephen Halloway ’73
- Eileen M. Herlihy ’82
- Cliff Johnson ’06
- Ronald J. Katter ’85
- David E. Kelley ’83
- Joseph Listengart ’94
- Leiha Macauley ’01
- Amir J. Malin ’79
- Sa’adiyah K. Masoud ’03
- Christopher Mastrangelo ’95
- Karen Mathiasen ’81
- Mika Mayer ’02
- Carla Munroe Moynihan ’95
- Carol L. O’Riordan ’83
- John R. Robinson ’64
- Lt. Cmdr. Jacob Romelhart ’05
- Leslie J. Ruben ’74
- Kim M. Rubin ’88
- Tania N. Shah ’00
- Jennifer A. Serafyn ’01
- Kevin M Saunders ’07
- Christopher D. Strang ’05
- Andrew P. Strehle ’94
- Carolina Trujillo ’01
- Hon. Diane G. Weinstein ’79
- Sani Williams ’95
- Mary L. Wolff ’75
Gerard H. Cohen Award
Gerard H. Cohen, Class of 1962, has been a friend, benefactor, counselor, and leading member of the Executive Committee of the Law School Alumni Association for many years. Gerry’s generosity has been immeasurable, both in terms of the personal time and effort he has devoted to the School and in the financial support he has provided. His ready counsel and support for new endeavors has reflected his genuine commitment to the School and its advancement through the years.
Knowing of Gerry’s lifelong devotion to his School, his wife Sherryl Cohen, his brother Bruce A. Cohen, and their families established the Gerard H. Cohen Award in his honor in 1994, the same year Gerry was awarded the Silver Shingle Alumni Award for Distinguished Service to the School. The Cohen Award is given annually to recognize a member of the School of Law administrative staff who has shown unselfish and distinguished service to the School. In an institution characterized by a staff of dedicated professionals who are among the best in their fields, this award is a special recognition for those who have consistently gone beyond the bounds of good and faithful service, whose contributions to the School have made an unusually strong impact.
The School of Law community is greatly honored by the decision of the Cohen family to establish this award. It is most fitting that a member of the School of Law administrative staff should receive an award in Gerry’s name, for so many of them have benefited from his help, counsel, generous spirit, and good humor. He, too, is one who consistently has gone beyond the bounds of good and faithful service.
Past Gerard H. Cohen Award Recipients
- Marlene H. Alderman
- Elizabeth Armour
- BU Law Facilities Staff
- Lamarc Boyd
- Keri A. Campiola (CAS ’95)
- Liz Cerrato (LAW ’89)
- Valerie Clarke
- Jill Collins
- Cheryl Constantine
- Jacqueline Contreras (COM ’19)
- Michael Dewey (MET ’10)
- Therese J. Enders (MET ’16)
- Margaret der Hagopian (PAL ’47, ’49)
- Tim Hall
- Terri Geiger
- Charlotte Gliksman
- Carolyn G. Goodwin
- Lorraine Kaplan
- Maura J. Kelly
- Ralph D. Kidder (Questrom ’86)
- Maureen Leo (Wheelock ’21)
- Alissa Leonard
- Arthur G. Martins
- Christine A. Marx
- Susan A. Michals (CAS ’84)
- Irene Moustakas (PAL ’53)
- Jyothi Nandakumar
- Victoria Perry
- John N. Riccardi (LAW ’91)
- Linda Skinner
- Mary Jo Sullivan (CGS ’68, Wheelock ’74)
- Aida E. Ten (Pardee ’93, MET ’99)
- Kassie Tucker
The Silver Shingle Awards, the Young Lawyer’s Chair, and the Cohen Award are presented at the annual Reunion and Silver Shingle Awards Dinner. Guests at the reception include award recipients and their guests, members of the faculty and staff, select students, and alumni, including those celebrating a reunion.