Past Law School Exams
These past exams are made available to current BU law students as an aid in preparing for examinations and should not be retransmitted. To access these exams, you will need to use your BU login and Kerberos password when you visit the Exams webpage on the Fineman & Pappas Law Libraries website.
Occasionally, a faculty member will provide the library with sample answers. These are not included with the exams listed below. Please check BU Law Search Course Reserves for availability.
JD Exams
The Law School Registrar’s Office collects exams each semester and sends those that are approved for publication to the library. Bound volumes of exams from Fall 1967–Spring 2005 are available in Pappas and Annex Reference at KF 292 B5 A23. Starting with the exams published in Fall 2004, library staff scan these documents to provide online access to law students. Students who are having difficulty accessing exams should contact the library directly.
LLM Banking and Financial Law Exams
The Banking & Financial Law Program collects exams each semester and sends those that are approved for publication to the library. Bound volumes of exams from Fall 1984–Spring 2005 are available in Pappas Reference at KF 292 B5 A24. Starting with the exams published in Fall 2004, library staff scan these documents to provide online access to LLM Banking and Financial Law students.