barton carter

T. Barton Carter

Professor, Media Science

About T. Barton Carter

T. Barton Carter is a professor of communication who specializes in communication law and new communication technologies. He is the former head of the Law Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication as well as of the Law and Policy Division of the Broadcast Education Association. He also has taught courses in communication law and telecommunication regulation at the Boston University School of Law. A member of the Massachusetts Bar, he recently retired from the practice of law.

Carter has co-authored multiple editions of three textbooks: The First Amendment and the Fourth Estate (Foundation Press), The First Amendment and the Fifth Estate (Foundation Press) and Mass Communication Law in a Nutshell (West Publishing). He has also written articles and book chapters on libel, media access, free press/fair trial, obscenity, privacy, regulation of new communication technologies, the Patriot Act, social media liability and rights protection for computer software.

Students interested in the First Amendment, in law as applied to the media and communication, and the policies underlying these laws.


  • BA, Yale University
  • MS, Boston University
  • JD, University of Pennsylvania