COVID-19 Information

As part of our Research Recovery Planning, the BU-CMD has implemented several new policies to ensure adequate social distancing, for the health and safety of our research staff and guests to our lab.

Please pay attention to all posted guidance on doors, floor markings, and instruments.

Wear an laboratory-approved face covering in our lab spaces at all times.

Familiarize yourself with the new access restrictions for guests to Room 828 (CMD 8th floor space) and Room 932 (CMD NMR / UPLC Room)

Access to several CMD equipment and facilities will now require mandatory online reservations. BU-CMD uses the Faces Reservation System:

  • The Faces system can be accessed at

      • Website:

      • Group: BU_CMD

      • Username: Your Kerberos ID

      • Password: The website has a password reset feature if you need it. To first setup a Faces password, you do need to use the “If you forgot your password Click here” feature.

  • You may already have a Faces account and not know it. If you are not sure whether you have an account, try to perform a password reset with your email address, using with the Group name BU_CMD. If you get a message “you are not a member of this group” contact Lauren Brown

  • Again, these reservations are mandatory, and failure to comply/properly reserve time will result in being prohibited from future instrument usage.