The Department of Classical Studies offers courses in Ancient Greek and Roman language, culture, and history. Most courses, especially those in history and civilization, have no language prerequisite.
For our full course offerings in classical civilization and languages, please see the Boston University College of Arts and Sciences Bulletin. For our full course offerings in Modern Greek, please click here.
The department does not permit individuals from outside the BU community (current faculty, staff, students) to audit (“sit in on”) courses informally. For information on auditing through Evergreen Programs, click here.
Summer Term 1 Courses
CAS CL111 Latin 1 Prereq: none
The goal of first-year Latin is to provide you with an introduction to the fundamentals of Latin vocabulary, syntax, and grammar in order to prepare you for reading “real” Latin texts from antiquity. No previous knowledge of Latin is required. By the end of the second semester you should be able to read unedited passages of classical Latin.
MWR 1:30-4:00pm Aglio
CAS CL121 The Good Life
Philosophical Inquiry and Life’s Meanings, Ethical Reasoning, Critical Thinking
What makes a good life? Is it about happiness? Or money? Do we have to choose? Ancient Greeks and Roman also wondered about these questions, and in this course we will look at their ideas from modern psychological, philosophical, and religious perspectives.
TR 9:00-12:30pm Varhelyi
CAS CL205/LX205 Origins of Writing
Historical Consciousness, Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy, Teamwork/Collaboration
Overview of the world’s major writing systems: Egyptian and Mayan hieroglyphs; Sumerian and Akkadian cuneiform; West Semitic consonantal scripts (abjads); East Asian scripts; runes; Greek and Roman alphabets. Considerable linguistic component supplemented by historical information about ancient languages and cultures. Carries humanities divisional credit in This course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas:
MWR 10:00-12:30pm Kotiuga
Summer Term 2 Courses
CAS CL102 Classical Civilization: World of Rome
Historical Consciousness, Social Inquiry I, Critical Thinking
An introduction to the world of the ancient Romans, as viewed in their literature, culture, and art. Discusses their origins, army, family life, religion, and education, and their legacy in our own time.
TR 9:00-12:30pm Chakravorty
CAS CL112 Latin 2. Prereq: CL111 or equivalent
Further study of Latin grammar, forms, and vocabulary.
MWR 10:00-12:30pm Matz