*May be used to fulfill the CAS Language Requirement*

CAS CG101 World of Modern Greece
Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy, Critical Thinking
This course develops students’ awareness of Greek language, history, literature and culture. It focuses on contemporary life in Greece while paying attention to aspects of the past that are connected to Greek reality today. 

CAS CG111 Beginning Modern Greek 1 
The Individual in Community
Prereq: Beginner’s only
Course may not be elected by anyone with previous study of modern Greek without consent of the department. Provides a basic reading knowledge of modern Greek (demotic) and introduces students to the spoken language.

CAS CG112 Beginning Modern Greek 2
The Individual in Community
Prereq: CG111 or equivalent
Review of grammar and syntax of modern Greek, reading in both prose and poetry, intensive oral practice.

CAS CG211 Intermediate Modern Greek 1
The Individual in Community
Prereq: CAS CG 112 or equivalent

Intensive review of modern Greek grammar and syntax and drill material from CAS CG 111 and 112. Development of advanced oral and reading skills.

CAS CG212 Intermediate Modern Greek 2
The Individual in Community, Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy
Prereq: CAS CG 211 or equivalent
Discussion in Greek on everyday themes. Development of reading skills through the analysis of contemporary texts. Analysis of contrasting modes of expression and their influence on separate national cultures in Greek and in English.

CAS CG350 The Modern Greek Short Story
Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy, Critical Thinking
A study of Greek short fiction from its beginnings to the present with emphasis on its historical context and cultural ideologies. Close reading of Papadiamantis, Vizyenos, Myrivilis, Venezix, Nollas, Gritse-Milliex, and others. Conducted in English.

CAS CG356 Modern Greek Novel
Prerequisite:CASCG212 or equivalent
A study of representative modern Greek novels with analysis relating the author’s work to the rest of his life and the situation in Greece. Cannot be taken for credit in addition to CAS CL 356.

CAS CG357/CI 378 Modern Greek Culture and Film
Aesthetic Exploration, Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy, Research and Information Literacy
Introduction to Greek cultural, social, historical, political, economic, and religious issues through a range of films that have reflected and shaped contemporary Greek society. Entertainment, education, popular culture, propaganda, and identity- and nation-building practices as reflected in Greek cinema.

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