Highlights of the “African Christian Biography” Conference
The CGCM hosted the conference on the theme of “African Christian Biography: Narratives, Beliefs, and Boundaries,” from Thursday, October 29 to Saturday, October 31. Approximately sixty scholars and graduate students converged on the School of Theology from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Ghana, Great Britain, and various universities in the United States and Canada to present papers […]
Upcoming Conference “African Christian Biography: Narratives, Beliefs, & Boundaries”
From October 29-31 the Center for Global Christianity and Mission, the African Studies Center and the African Studies Library at Boston University will be co-hosting the conference “African Christian Biography: Narratives, Beliefs, and Boundaries” in celebration of the 20th year anniversary of the Dictionary of African Christian Biography (www.DACB.org). This working conference will bring together […]
Call for Papers “Religious Diversity: Conflict, Cooperation, Creolization”
The Center for Global Christianity & Mission will be co-hosting a graduate student conference at Boston University on “Religious Diversity: Conflict, Cooperation, and Creolization” to be held November 14th, 2015. Harvard University’s Diana L. Eck will give the keynote address, and there will be several panels of student papers. Please see the Religious Diversity Call for Papers with […]
Orthodoxy & Humanitarianism conference, live webcast
In a time of political instability, war, and growing fundamentalist sentiment and policies in many parts of the Middle East, Orthodox Christians find themselves under increasing pressure and uncertainly. The conference Orthodox Christianity and Humanitarianism: Ideas and Actions in the Contemporary World held tomorrow May 7th through the 8th, explores theological, historical, and contemporary responses […]
Call for Papers: Religion and Religions in the History of Missions
The Yale-Edinburgh Group on the History of the Missionary Movement and World Christianity is calling for papers for a conference at Yale Divinity School in New Haven, Connecticut on June 25 – 27, 2015. Offers of short papers are welcome on any aspect of the conference theme: Religion and Religions in the History of Missions and […]
ASM Report: Doing Contextual Mission in Africa & Latin America
This year’s American Society of Missiology Conference on the theme of “Contextualization in the Contemporary World” took place at the University of Northwestern—St. Paul in St. Paul, Minnesota. The thirteen possible tracks, which reflected the anthropological interests of ASM President Dr. Robert Priest, included a symposium on Third Wave Mission, a panel on witch accusations, […]
Patterns of Mission & Spirituality in New Church Plants
Despite distress about mainline decline and the rise of the “Nones”, church planting in North America is booming. According Warren Bird and Ed Stetzer, these new church starts are even outpacing closures. This presentation will discuss the patterns in mission and spirituality among new churches started in Seattle, Washington since 2001. As the largest city […]
Conference Invitation: Can the Native Christian Speak? Discerning the Voices of Indigenous Christians
Emory University’s Chandler School of Theology extends an invitation to all interested in a one day conference: Can the Native Christian Speak? Discerning the Voices of Indigenous Christians in Missionary and Colonial Archives, Wednesday, May 28, 2014, 8:45am – 5pm Location: Emory Conference Center Hotel, 1615 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30322 $10 to attend. This one-day […]
The 2014 BTI Costas Consultation in Global Mission will be held March 28th!
The 2014 BTI Costas Consultation in Global Mission is approaching! All are invited to attend on March 28th, 2014, 1pm-8pm. The theme is the Persecution of Christians in the middle East, with keynote speaker Bishop Elias Toume of Wadi Al Nassara, local Bishop in Homs, Syria, and Professor at the University of Balamand, Lebanon, as […]
Call for Papers: ‘Missionaries, Materials and the Making of the Modern World’
Cambridge University has issued a call for papers for a conference on the theme ‘Missionaries, Materials and the Making of the Modern World’ in Cambridge, 15-17 September, 2014. See attached flyer for details (CfP-MissionsMaterialsModernWorld). For more information contact Dr. Chris Wingfield cw543@cam.ac.uk, Senior Curator (Archaeology) Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology,University of Cambridge. To submit an abstract email, ga343@cam.ac.uk.