Tyler Heneghan (’21)


Tyler is a Registered Professional Archaeologist currently attending BU School of Law while pursuing the Graduate Certificate in Arts Administration.

Tyler graduated from Wright State University with a B.S. in Biological Sciences and a B.A. in Anthropology, and was named the Outstanding Senior in Anthropology. He volunteered for the Dayton Society of Natural History as a Live Animals and Anthropology Intern where he trained a Baker’s spinytail iguana and reconstructed seven-hundred-year-old structures applying prehistoric architectural techniques. His time at DSNH earned him the 2016 Dr. Hale Charch Award for exhibiting an outstanding commitment to the museums’ missions. Furthermore, he excavated a prehistoric Mississippian village and researched regional warfare through blood residue analysis as an undergraduate fellow for the National Science Foundation’s Research Experience for Undergraduates.

Tyler obtained an M.S. in Anthropology and Graduate Certificate in GIS from Illinois State University where he published in the Journal of Ohio Archaeology on Hopewellian short-term upland sites. His thesis further elaborated on the activities of the Hopewell peoples through micropolishes and striations on stone tools.

Now in law school, Tyler interned at the U.S. Department of the Interior and Earthjustice: Tribal Partnerships, studied International Cultural Heritage Law at the Université de Genève, and is the Editor-in-Chief of the BU International Law Journal.

The Graduate Certificate in Arts Administration offers me the necessary flexibility to explore performing and visual arts management while pursuing a J.D. The interactive and collaborative coursework encouraged by faculty brings international perspectives and ever-so-important networking opportunities vital for obtaining careers in this field. Moreover, the Legal Issues in Arts Administration and Financial Management for Nonprofits courses provides me with the practical knowledge needed for practicing in cultural heritage, museum, and art law. I certainly feel in a better position to protect the past for the stakeholders of tomorrow after my time at BU.