Peihan Zheng (’19)

Peihan (Peony) Zheng graduated from the Boston University Arts Administration program in January 2019.

She developed an aptitude for art and music from a young age and has found a great sense of fulfillment through each and every art event she partakes in.

She received her Bachelor’s Degree from Shanghai International Studies University, with a major in International Economics and Trade. Believing that the arts are the reflection of human wisdom and the necessary conveyor of the human spirit, she was an art activist both on and off campus during her undergraduate years. Beside leading student artistic organization and doing design and publicity work, she has devoted herself to volunteer work and internship at galleries, art museums, and an artist studio in Shanghai. Such experiences enforced her pursuit to go further in the art field by work for artists and assisting them with business challenges and management issues.

In the future, she hopes to establish non-profit platforms which help  promote emerging artists.

The Arts Administration program provides me with an opportunity to explore whatever I am curious about in the field of art. Different courses force me to recognize myself, to think deeply about what I want to do, and work on my problem solving abilities that I may use in my future career.