Beth Barefoot (’18)
Beth Barefoot has strong experience in financial management, marketing, and customer service management, along with a solid career in Portland, Maine as a fulltime professional musician and actress.
She has been Administrative Assistant to the Director of BU’s School of Music at CFA. Her Arts Administration internship experience was with Boston University’s Tanglewood Institute in their Fall / Spring planning season. Prior to coming to BU, she managed her own successful free-lance business as accompanist, teacher of voice and piano, and music director in Southern Maine. Barefoot musically directed over 50 musicals at theaters including equity, professional, community, college, and high school productions. As Chair of Fine Arts at Hebron Academy, she was a classroom music teacher, choral director, and manager of the arts facility there.
Barefoot was Controller of Thos. Moser Cabinetmakers in Maine, and Consumer Affairs/Marketing Manager at G. H. Bass & Co., at their Falmouth, Maine headquarters. A graduate of the University of Michigan, she is a member of Actors’ Equity and the Boston Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Currently she serves as Organist/Pianist at Old Cambridge Baptist Church, a progressive peace and justice congregation located in Harvard Square.
Discovering the Arts Administration program at BU MET was like finding home for me. All the students in my classes were like me: artists seeking ways to marry their management skills to their love of their art. The curriculum, while not easy, has been programmed with a healthy balance of research and practicality. I learned to dig deeper again, but also to listen to seasoned professionals in the form of current-day arts managers and practitioners — all very generous with their time and knowledge.