Archaeology Program SAA Participants
BU Archaeology Program
SAA 88th Annual Meeting Attendees (alumni, faculty, students)
Society for American Archaeology
March 29–April 2, 2023
Portland, Oregon
Participant | Date | Participant Talk, Poster, etc. |
Andrea Berlin | April 1st | Pan-American Ceramics Project: Increasing the Accessibility and Interoperability of Ceramic Data in the Digital Age |
Jacob Bongers | March 30th | A Multidisciplinary Approach to Inca Resettlement in the Andes |
Wade Campbell | March 30th | Early Navajo Social Organization and the Diné-Dibé- Tł’oh Relationship circa AD 1750 |
Wade Campbell | April 1st | Discussant – BUILDING ANTIRACIST ARCHAEOLOGIES |
David Carballo | March 30th | 26-a, 26-a David Carballo, Daniela Hernández Sariñana, Gabriel Vicencio, Edith Dominguez and Santino Rivero—The Southern Neighborhood Center at the Tlajinga District, Teotihuacan |
Mary Clarke | March 31st | Myth, Ritual, and the Classic Maya Sweat Bath |
Caitlin Curtis | March 31st | From the Field to the Museum”: A New Educational Outreach Program at Vedi Fortress, Armenia |
Katrina Eichner | April 1st | Community Caretaking, Collective Parenting, and Othermothering: Diasporic Family Building in the Western American Military |
Katrina Eichner | March 31st | Stealth Archaeology: Making the Case for Relevance in Idaho |
Francisco Estrada Belli | March 31st | Magnentic Gradiometry Surveys of the Upper and Lower Plazas at La Sufricaya, Guatemala |
Francisco Estrada Belli | April 1st | Teotihuacan Style in Maya Stone: New Evidence from La Sufricaya |
Francisco Estrada Belli | April 1st | Discussant – REGIMES OF THE ANCIENT MAYA: THE FORUM |
Francisco Estrada Belli | April 1st | A Classic Maya Kingdom on the Kaanu’l Path to Tikal—An Update |
Dan Fallu | March 30th | Faking It and Making It: Engaging with Pop Culture Threats to Archaeology |
Nicolas Gauthier | March 31st | Integrating Archaeological Models and Data with Bayesian Data Assimilation |
Paul Goldberg | April 1st | Geoarchaeology, the French Paleolithic, and Harold |
Anna Goldfield | March 30th | Faking It and Making It: Engaging with Pop Culture Threats to Archaeology |
Eleanor Harrison-Buck | March 30th | Materializing the Maya Collapse and Shifting Alliances during the Ninth and Tenth Centuries: Circular Shrines and Other “Mexicanized” Traits in Belize and Beyond |
Eleanor Harrison-Buck | March 30th | Problematizing Past Human-Landscape Interactions in the Lower Belize River Watershed: An Interdisciplinary Approach |
Eleanor Harrison-Buck | March 31st | The Second Chapter: Further Analysis of Granite Ground Stone Tools from the Belize River East Archaeology Project, 2015–2022 |
Daniela Hernandez Sarinana | March 30th | 26-a, 26-a David Carballo, Daniela Hernández Sariñana, Gabriel Vicencio, Edith Dominguez and Santino Rivero—The Southern Neighborhood Center at the Tlajinga District, Teotihuacan |
Daniela Hernandez Sarinana | March 31st | Chemical Residue Analysis, Foodways, and Ceramic Consumption in Tlajinga, Teotihuacan |
Peter Kovacik | April 1st | Living on the Edge: Uncovering Quotidian Life of the Eighteenth-Century Land Grant Community of San Miguel de Carnué |
Trevor Lamb | March 30th | 43-b, Food, Fuel, or Fluke? The Interpretive Potential of Microbotanical Remains Recovered from Burnt Residues on Koniag Pottery from the Malriik Site (KOD-405), Kodiak Island, Alaska |
John Marston | March 30th | People-Plant Relationships in Long-Generation Arboreal Fruit Cultivation |
John Marston | March 30th | Early Millet Cultivation, Subsistence Diversity, and Wild Plant Use at Neolithic Anle, Lower Yangtze of China |
Jessica MacLellan | March 31st | Is a Woman’s Place in the Household? Gender, Prestige, and Feminized Archaeology |
Susan Mentzer | April 1st | Diffraction Peaks as Tools for Distinguishing Chert from Quartz: Applications on Experimental Materials and Paleolithic Retouchers |
Susan Mentzer | April 1st | Investigating the Impact of a Recent Wildfire on Tortoises at Cape Point, South Africa: Implications for Our Understanding of Ancient Pyrotechnology and Its Uses |
Christopher Miller | April 1st | 181-e, The Ancient Landscapes of South Texas Initiative and Augmented Reality: An Immersive Experience in Archaeological Education and Community Engagement |
Ellen Moriarty | April 1st | 181-c, The Granger House Project: Community Outreach and Public Archaeology in Castleton, Vermont |
Samantha Nadel | April 2nd | A Reconstructed Chaîne Opératoire for Mesoamerican Cochineal |
Akin Ogundiran | March 30th | Women in the Nexus of State Power in the Oyo Empire |
Brandon Olson | March 30th | 69-m, Investigating Imperialism on Early Hellenistic Cyprus: Excavations at Pyla-Vigla, 2019 and 2022 |
Ross Owen | March 30th | Archaeology and Forestry Perspectives on the Management of Rhyolite Quarries on Pennsylvania State Forest Lands |
John O’Shea | March 31st | Virtual Worlds: Underwater Archaeology and Indigenous Engagement |
John O’Shea | April 1st | 197-e, The South Gap Site: A 9,000-Year-Old Submerged Hunting Site in Lake Huron with Far-Reaching Connections |
John O’Shea | April 1st | Heavy Metal Animals: A Preliminary Study of Anthropogenic Pollution in Animals from the Southern Carpathian Bronze Age |
Daniel Plekhov | March 31st | Remote Sensing Methods for Investigating Modern-Day Land-Use Intensity in Archaeological Landscapes: A Case Study from the Sinis Archaeological Project, Sardinia |
Krysta Ryzewski | March 30th | Civil Rights Heritage Preservation and the Malcolm X House: Archaeology in the Service of a Grassroots Movement |
Franco Rossi | March 31st | 125-e, Remote Sensing of Constructed Landscapes in Northern Guatemala |
Ashley Sharpe | March 30th | 45-f, 86Sr/87Sr Evidence for the Role of Animals in Ritual Economies among the Ancient Maya in the Belize River Valley |
Ashley Sharpe | April 1st | Exploring Freshwater Turtle Population Dynamics in the Maya World through Ancient DNA Analysis |
Kyra Smith | March 31st | 122-I, The Archaeology of Public Health and Food Sovereignty in the Pacific Islands |
Yiyi Tang | March 30th | Early Millet Cultivation, Subsistence Diversity, and Wild Plant Use at Neolithic Anle, Lower Yangtze of China |
Gabriel Vicencio | March 30th | 26-a, 26-a David Carballo, Daniela Hernández Sariñana, Gabriel Vicencio, Edith Dominguez and Santino Rivero—The Southern Neighborhood Center at the Tlajinga District, Teotihuacan |
Chantel White | March 30th | A Tale of Two Landscapes: Agricultural Evidence from a Classical/Hellenistic City and a Nearby Hellenistic Farmstead, Greece |
Chantel White | March 31st | Historical Palimpsests: Animal- Accumulated Plant Remains in Aboveground Structures |
Chantel White | April 1st | Hands-On Learning Applications in University Archaeological Science Courses |
Marc Wolf | March 31st | The 2022 Petén Lakes Lidar/GPS Georectification Project |