Archaeology Program SAA Participants

BU Archaeology Program
SAA 88th Annual Meeting Attendees (alumni, faculty, students)
Society for American Archaeology
March 29–April 2, 2023
Portland, Oregon


Participant Date Participant Talk, Poster, etc.
Andrea Berlin April 1st Pan-American Ceramics Project: Increasing the Accessibility and Interoperability of Ceramic Data in the Digital Age
Jacob Bongers March 30th A Multidisciplinary Approach to Inca Resettlement in the Andes
Wade Campbell March 30th Early Navajo Social Organization and the Diné-Dibé- Tł’oh Relationship circa AD 1750
Wade Campbell April 1st Discussant – BUILDING ANTIRACIST ARCHAEOLOGIES
David Carballo March 30th 26-a, 26-a David Carballo, Daniela Hernández Sariñana, Gabriel Vicencio, Edith Dominguez and Santino Rivero—The Southern Neighborhood Center at the Tlajinga District, Teotihuacan
Mary Clarke March 31st Myth, Ritual, and the Classic Maya Sweat Bath
Caitlin Curtis March 31st From the Field to the Museum”: A New Educational Outreach Program at Vedi Fortress, Armenia
Katrina Eichner April 1st Community Caretaking, Collective Parenting, and Othermothering: Diasporic Family Building in the Western American Military
Katrina Eichner March 31st Stealth Archaeology: Making the Case for Relevance in Idaho
Francisco Estrada Belli March 31st Magnentic Gradiometry Surveys of the Upper and Lower Plazas at La Sufricaya, Guatemala
Francisco Estrada Belli April 1st Teotihuacan Style in Maya Stone: New Evidence from La Sufricaya
Francisco Estrada Belli April 1st Discussant – REGIMES OF THE ANCIENT MAYA: THE FORUM
Francisco Estrada Belli April 1st A Classic Maya Kingdom on the Kaanu’l Path to Tikal—An Update
Dan Fallu March 30th Faking It and Making It: Engaging with Pop Culture Threats to Archaeology
Nicolas Gauthier March 31st Integrating Archaeological Models and Data with Bayesian Data Assimilation
Paul Goldberg April 1st Geoarchaeology, the French Paleolithic, and Harold
Anna Goldfield March 30th Faking It and Making It: Engaging with Pop Culture Threats to Archaeology
Eleanor Harrison-Buck March 30th Materializing the Maya Collapse and Shifting Alliances during the Ninth and Tenth Centuries: Circular Shrines and Other “Mexicanized” Traits in Belize and Beyond
Eleanor Harrison-Buck March 30th Problematizing Past Human-Landscape Interactions in the Lower Belize River Watershed: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Eleanor Harrison-Buck March 31st The Second Chapter: Further Analysis of Granite Ground Stone Tools from the Belize River East Archaeology Project, 2015–2022
Daniela Hernandez Sarinana March 30th 26-a, 26-a David Carballo, Daniela Hernández Sariñana, Gabriel Vicencio, Edith Dominguez and Santino Rivero—The Southern Neighborhood Center at the Tlajinga District, Teotihuacan
Daniela Hernandez Sarinana March 31st Chemical Residue Analysis, Foodways, and Ceramic Consumption in Tlajinga, Teotihuacan
Peter Kovacik April 1st Living on the Edge: Uncovering Quotidian Life of the Eighteenth-Century Land Grant Community of San Miguel de Carnué
Trevor Lamb March 30th 43-b, Food, Fuel, or Fluke? The Interpretive Potential of
Microbotanical Remains Recovered from Burnt Residues on Koniag Pottery from the Malriik Site (KOD-405), Kodiak Island, Alaska
John Marston March 30th People-Plant Relationships in Long-Generation Arboreal Fruit Cultivation
John Marston March 30th Early Millet Cultivation, Subsistence Diversity, and Wild Plant Use at Neolithic Anle, Lower Yangtze of China
Jessica MacLellan March 31st Is a Woman’s Place in the Household? Gender, Prestige, and Feminized Archaeology
Susan Mentzer April 1st Diffraction Peaks as Tools for Distinguishing Chert from Quartz: Applications on Experimental Materials and Paleolithic Retouchers
Susan Mentzer April 1st Investigating the Impact of a Recent Wildfire on Tortoises at Cape Point, South Africa: Implications for Our Understanding of Ancient Pyrotechnology and Its Uses
Christopher Miller April 1st 181-e, The Ancient Landscapes of South Texas Initiative and Augmented Reality: An Immersive Experience in Archaeological Education and Community Engagement
Ellen Moriarty April 1st 181-c, The Granger House Project: Community Outreach and Public Archaeology in Castleton, Vermont
Samantha Nadel April 2nd A Reconstructed Chaîne Opératoire for Mesoamerican Cochineal
Akin Ogundiran March 30th Women in the Nexus of State Power in the Oyo Empire
Brandon Olson March 30th 69-m, Investigating Imperialism on Early Hellenistic Cyprus: Excavations at Pyla-Vigla, 2019 and 2022
Ross Owen March 30th Archaeology and Forestry Perspectives on the Management of Rhyolite Quarries on Pennsylvania State Forest Lands
John O’Shea March 31st Virtual Worlds: Underwater Archaeology and Indigenous Engagement
John O’Shea April 1st 197-e, The South Gap Site: A 9,000-Year-Old Submerged Hunting Site in Lake Huron with Far-Reaching Connections
John O’Shea April 1st Heavy Metal Animals: A Preliminary Study of Anthropogenic Pollution in Animals from the Southern Carpathian Bronze Age
Daniel Plekhov March 31st Remote Sensing Methods for Investigating Modern-Day Land-Use Intensity in Archaeological Landscapes: A Case Study from the Sinis Archaeological Project, Sardinia
Krysta Ryzewski March 30th Civil Rights Heritage Preservation and the Malcolm X House: Archaeology in the Service of a Grassroots Movement
Franco Rossi March 31st 125-e, Remote Sensing of Constructed Landscapes in Northern Guatemala
Ashley Sharpe March 30th 45-f, 86Sr/87Sr Evidence for the Role of Animals in Ritual Economies among the Ancient Maya in the Belize River Valley
Ashley Sharpe April 1st Exploring Freshwater Turtle Population Dynamics in the Maya World through Ancient DNA Analysis
Kyra Smith March 31st 122-I, The Archaeology of Public Health and Food Sovereignty in the Pacific Islands
Yiyi Tang March 30th Early Millet Cultivation, Subsistence Diversity, and Wild Plant Use at Neolithic Anle, Lower Yangtze of China
Gabriel Vicencio March 30th 26-a, 26-a David Carballo, Daniela Hernández Sariñana, Gabriel Vicencio, Edith Dominguez and Santino Rivero—The Southern Neighborhood Center at the Tlajinga District, Teotihuacan
Chantel White March 30th A Tale of Two Landscapes: Agricultural Evidence from a Classical/Hellenistic City and a Nearby Hellenistic Farmstead, Greece
Chantel White March 31st Historical Palimpsests: Animal- Accumulated Plant Remains in Aboveground Structures
Chantel White April 1st Hands-On Learning Applications in University Archaeological Science Courses
Marc Wolf March 31st The 2022 Petén Lakes Lidar/GPS Georectification Project