Amharic Proverbs
Find below ten advanced level Amharic lessons. For each proverb, there is a video containing an improvised skit intended to reflect the meaning of the proverb. Along with the video is a word-for-word transcription of the skit, a glossary for difficult words or phrases, and a set of exercises aimed at determining a student’s comprehension of the skit.
Each lesson addresses the four language skills based upon ACTFL guidelines (speaking, writing, listening, and reading) while also capturing key cultural and social realities of language use in its native context. In addition, each skit reflects the varieties of the language spoken in urban and rural areas, and between the elderly, adults, and children. Unlike top-down models of language instruction, the African Proverbs Project uses a bottom-up approach designed to equip advanced learners with the ability to shift between several dialects. Moreover, the Proverbs Project provides learners with the necessary cultural and kinesic competencies to converse fluently and see the world through the eyes of native speakers.
Amharic Proverbs
1. “ሰርገኛ መጣ በርበሬ ቀንጥሱ”
2. “አልጠግብ ባይ ሲተፋ ያድራል”
3. “ካንጀት ካለቀሱ ኣንባ አይገድም”
4. “የቸገረው እርጉዝ ያገባል”
5. “ሰው እንደ ቤቱ እንጂ እንደ ጎርቤቱ አያድርም”
6. “ላም ባልዋለበት ኩበት ለቀማ”
7. “ይህች ባቄላ ያደረች እንደሆን አትቆረጠምም”
8. “ቁራሽ የናቀ ጦሙን ያድራል”
9. “ሥራ ለሰሪው እሾህ ላጣሪው”
10. “ክስው መርጦ ለሹመት ከንጨት መርጦ ለታቦት”
Project Participants
Dr. Fallou Ngom (Project Director), Dr. Telahun Gebrehiwot (Overseas Coordinator & Amharic Specialist), Dr. Peter Quella (Project Manager), Lori De Lucia (Multimedia Manager), James Lansdowne (Assistant Video Editor)
Actors: Azmeraw, Beruk Molla, Bezuayehu Surafel, Daniel Tigestu, Damtew Tariku, Etsegennet Tafesse, Medhanit Takele, Mikael Mengesha, Redeet Terefe, Sisaye Alemu, Surafel Mezgebe, Terhas Behailu
Film & Editing Coordinators in Ethiopia: Eskender Abreham, Amare Dadi, Milkias Mengesha Biru, Andom Mengesha Biru, Yophtahe Telahun, Dawit Telahun