The African Studies Center seeks to offer a wide variety of events throughout the year. From film screenings to workshops to info sessions to lectures from experts or world leaders — we make it a priority to host events each semester that cater to a variety of fields, regional interests, and communities. All our events, unless otherwise noted, are free and open to the public. Check out our calendar to see what is up and coming!
Subscribe to the Weekly Brief for event remindersWalter Rodney Seminar Series
Over the past several decades, the Walter Rodney Seminar has brought more than five hundred guest speakers to the BU African Studies Center. The lecture series is interdisciplinary and has included presentations by established and incipient scholars in all Africa-related disciplines, encompassing the arts, humanities, social sciences, public health, and beyond.
The seminars are a keystone of the weekly activities of the African Studies Center, held most Mondays during the academic calendar from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm ET in the center’s William O. Brown Seminar Room (Rm 505, 232 Bay State Road) and also often available in hybrid format. For online attendance, register here:
Please mark your calendars for the following events:
January 29th: Jonathan Greenacre “Mobile Money in Africa”
February 5th: Dan Connell “Ethiopia in crisis: From war to peace and back again”
March 18th: Abel Amado “Anticolonial Nationalism in Portuguese Africa and the Language Question”
March 25th: Christopher Graham “Eco-Villages Revisited: The Role of the Media, Political Ideology, and Public Opinion in Greening Africa”
April 8th: Christine Sciacca “Ethiopia and the Art of Cross Cultural Exchange”
April 22nd: Josh Castillo “Navigating Lingala: Linguistic Capital, Political Power, and Social Mobility in Congo-Zaire – 1965-1997”
April 29th: Cecile Fromont “History and the Fetish: the Delcommune Nkisi as Historical Object”
Last semester’s line up can be accessed
here and on our Calendar.
Sign up for our Weekly Brief email to stay updated on event announcements.
You can find a a list of our past lectures here. Select past lectures available for streaming on our YouTube channel.
Bradford Morse Distinguished Lecture
The first annual Bradford Morse lecture, “Africa Beyond the Famine: The Case for Hope,” was delivered by Maurice F. Strong, president of the World Federation of United Nations Associations. Mr. Strong had a long and distinguished career in private and public affairs, served as founding president of the Canadian International Development Research Commission, and was the founding executive director of the United National Environment Program. First appointed undersecretary-general of the United Nations in 1970, Mr. Strong also served as executive coordinator of the United National Office for Emergency Operations in Africa from 1985 to 1986. During this period, he worked closely with Bradford Morse.
You can find the list of our past Bradford Morse Distinguished Lecture here.
Professional Development Events for Teachers and Instructors
We offer courses for educators, African Literatures in English and French Discussion Groups, a Global Read Webinar Series, and workshops at upcoming national conferences!
Check out our offerings at: under K-16 Education Outreach above.