Affiliated Researchers

The African Studies Center welcomes Visiting Researchers and Research Affiliates—post-doctoral researchers in a wide array of fields and regional specialties within African studies—as part of its scholarly community. Affiliate researchers are often invited to share publications, lectures, and updates with the ASC community and receive access to BU library and archival resources, among other benefits.

Guidelines for Research Affiliations

Current Affiliated Researchers

  • Dan Connell

    Human rights and development in transitional societies; refugees, forced migration and trafficking; Eritrea, Sudan

  • Victor Manfredi

    Igbo, Yoruba, and African Diaspora linguistics

  • Susanne Mueller

    Democratization, conflict, development; eastern and southern Africa; personal website

  • Daivi Rodima-Taylor

    Mutual help associations and cooperative work; fiduciary culture, savings/credit, and remittances; informal public authority and vigilantism; land and resource tenure; Tanzania; eastern Africa

  • Marc Sommers

    Youth, peacebuilding, security, CVE and gender research in 16 war-affected African countries; next book: We the Young Fighters: Pop Culture, Terror & War in Sierra Leone (2023)

  • Tim Weiskel

    Cartography, West Africa, African Historical Graphics Archives

  • David Westley

    Oral tradition; Hausa folklore; Retired Bibliographer, African Studies Library

Current Visiting Researchers