MPH Functional Certificate: Healthcare Management (CAHME-accredited*)

The challenges in organizing healthcare delivery systems to improve patient care quality and achieve population-level access and equity while controlling costs have never been greater. SPH’s practice-based program in healthcare management provides graduates crucial analytical and leadership competencies to tackle these challenges. Graduates can analyze the organization, financing, and delivery of healthcare; analyze effects of healthcare policy; apply project management and quality improvement tools; and lead individuals and teams to improve care delivery.

Upon completion of the MPH with the 28-unit certificate in Healthcare Management, graduates excel in five key areas:

Course Requirements

  • SPH GH 854 Data to Dashboards: Building Excel Skills to Support Health Program Decisions (2 units)
  • SPH PM 714 Health Care Management as a Profession (0 units)
  • SPH PM 734 Principles and Practices in Non-Profit Healthcare Accounting (4 units)
  • SPH PM 735 Healthcare Finance: How Policy-makers and Managers Can Use Money as a Tool to Improve Health Care (4 units)
  • SPH PM 736 Human Resource Management in Public Health (4 units)
  • SPH PM 755 Healthcare Delivery Systems: Issues and Innovations (4 units)
  • SPH PM 804 Digital Disruption in Health: The Effects of Health Information Technologies on Policies, Delivery, Patient Engagement, and Health Outcomes (2 units)
  • SPH PM 827 Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations (4 units)
  • SPH PM 832 Operations Management in Healthcare (4 units) or PM 835 Lean Management in Healthcare (4 units)

Integrative Learning Experience

The ILE for the Healthcare Management certificate is designed to be completed during a student’s last term in the program, and is focused on evidence-based management, requiring that students apply current research findings in the field of healthcare management to an applied healthcare delivery problem or question.

*Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education