Hub Cocurricular Experiences
A Hub cocurricular experience can fulfill one Hub requirement. Students who enter BU as first-year students can fulfill up to 2 Hub requirements of their total Hub requirements through Hub cocurriculars. Students who enter BU as transfer students can fulfill up to 1 Hub requirement of their total Hub requirements through Hub cocurriculars.
To fulfill a Hub requirement through a Hub cocurricular, students must register in the appropriate 0-unit ungraded “course” (course numbers for Hub cocurriculars begin with “HUB CC” and “HUB FY”). Students may drop the cocurricular up until the drop deadline. After that date, students who do not complete the experience will be awarded a W, which will appear on their transcript. Students who successfully complete the experience will receive a P on their transcript.
Students can enroll in multiple Hub cocurriculars, and those who do so may select which Hub requirement(s) they would like to fulfill using cocurriculars. Students who have taken multiple Hub cocurriculars and who wish to designate a different Hub cocurricular (or cocurriculars) to be used to fulfill a Hub requirement (or requirements) in their degree audit should contact the Hub office at