
The listing of a course description here does not guarantee a course’s being offered in a particular term. Please refer to the published schedule of classes on the MyBU Student Portal for confirmation a class is actually being taught and for specific course meeting dates and times.

All of the undergraduate schools and colleges at BU offer courses that fulfill BU Hub requirements. For a listing of these courses offered by a particular school or college, please visit the Bulletin section for that school or college. For a complete listing of all courses that fulfill Hub requirements, please visit the BU Hub website. For curated lists of Hub courses that focus on interdisciplinary themes of global significance, please view the BU Hub Pathways for Social & Racial Justice and for Environment & Society. For a listing of Hub courses in BU Study Abroad programs, please visit the BU Study Abroad website.

In addition to courses offered in the schools and colleges, there are Hub specialty courses that fulfill Hub requirements and have “HUB” as the college code, including the Cross-College Challenge (XCC), Hub social and racial justice courses, Hub interdisciplinary courses, Hub cocurriculars, Hub Study Abroad experiences, and other Hub opportunities. Any offerings in this section reflect the Hub requirements fulfilled by them in the 2024/2025 academic year.

  • HUB CC 107: Cocurricular: Thriving Together: Student Wellbeing at BU
    Students will explore what wellbeing looks like in their own lives through seven dimensions: physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, financial, environmental, and social. Students will have the opportunity to become acquainted with existing campus resources and incorporate life skills that contribute to their thriving. Working in teams, students will examine wellbeing concepts and design a project that culminates in a proposal for a wellbeing initiative. Effective Summer 2023, this Hub cocurricular fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: Teamwork/Collaboration.
    • Teamwork/Collaboration
  • HUB CC 108: Cocurricular: The Wellbeing Advantage: Developing Leadership Skills through Wellbeing
    Cultivating leadership skills is an asset in today’s workplace. In this cocurricular, students will explore how to be an effective leader through the cultivation of wellbeing. Students will learn how to manage the demands of leadership by developing skills and strategies that they can use to promote their own wellbeing and simultaneously cultivate a culture of wellness on teams and within organizations for greater success. Effective Spring 2024, this Hub cocurricular fulfills a single requirement in the following BU Hub area: Teamwork/Collaboration.
    • Teamwork/Collaboration
  • HUB CC 120: Cocurricular: Vocation
    This cocurricular experience focuses on vocation, calling, spiritual living, and purposeful existence, allowing students to analyze this dimension of experience that so substantially informs various religious and secular worldviews and beliefs. Students will participate in a variety of religious and other communities at Boston University and assess the relevance of vocation to these groups. Effective Fall 2018, this Hub cocurricular fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: The Individual in Community.
    • The Individual in Community
  • HUB CC 123: Cocurricular: How Very Queer: Who Am I Really?!
    Students analyze conceptions of gender, sexuality, and culture, reflecting on their own beliefs as well as societal, cultural, and familial perceptions and behaviors. Students engage in respectful collaboration while exploring their views of the GLBTQ community, first at a global and national level, and then within the context of Boston and Boston University. Students explore the history of the GLBTQ community and research local community resources to develop a deeper understanding of the community and themselves. Effective Spring 2020, this Hub cocurricular fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: The Individual in Community.
    • The Individual in Community
  • HUB CC 125: Cocurricular: Global House: Building Diverse Communities
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: Completion of a 112-level language course (minimum) or the equivalent proficiency level in one of the Global House languages. Undergraduate Corequisites: Residence in Global House is preferred. - Students create an intentional community with other students interested in other cultures and languages and collectively navigate the diversity of communities in our world. Students learn teamwork, mutual responsibility, and how to collaborate on cultural activities while practicing respectful interaction with people of many backgrounds. To be eligible, students must be an approved residential or non-residential member of Global House. Effective Fall 2023, this Hub cocurricular fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: The Individual in Community.
    • The Individual in Community
  • HUB CC 127: Cocurricular: How to BU
    This Hub cocurricular is designed especially for first-year students. It focuses on the habits and skills that foster happiness, wellbeing, and belonging in college, and it introduces students to educational opportunities that can enrich their time at BU. With their peers, students will reflect on their lived experiences at BU, including their time in classrooms, residences, dining halls, and social spaces. Effective Fall 2023, this Hub cocurricular fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: The Individual in Community.
    • The Individual in Community
  • HUB CC 128: Cocurricular: Belonging on Campus
    Students explore the social and cultural factors, as well as the personal and communal practices, which contribute to or impede students' sense of belonging at college. In particular, this cocurricular experience focuses on the student experience of belonging at Boston University. Students draw upon secondary sources, first-person testimonies, observation, and personal experience to consider the ways in which beliefs, systems, and practices foster or prevent a sense of belonging. They also examine their role in creating a sense of belonging for themselves and others. Effective Summer 2020, this Hub cocurricular fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: The Individual in Community.
    • The Individual in Community
  • HUB CC 130: Cocurricular: Life's Big Questions: Exploring Jewish Identities in Community
    Students deepen their understanding of Judaism's diversity through exploration of Jewish civilization. Students build community on campus and in Boston, engaging with people from diverse backgrounds whose ideas about Judaism may differ. Students participate in discussions, attend BU and community events, engage with readings about Jewish community and identity, and create a reflective ePortfolio. To be eligible, students must be enrolled in the BU Hillel Cohort Learning Class. Effective Fall 2019, this Hub cocurricular fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: The Individual in Community.
    • The Individual in Community
  • HUB CC 131: Cocurricular: The North End as Idea and Experience
    Through exploration of the geography, history, and social patterns of Boston’s North End, students analyze the relationship between individual, place, and community. Specific topics to be covered include immigration, ethnicity, tourism, gentrification, religion, health care, community organization, food, crime, and social policy. To facilitate this exploration, students will learn to use historical and archival methods as well as observation and interactive techniques. Effective Fall 2020, this course fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: The Individual in Community.
    • The Individual in Community
  • HUB CC 133: Cocurricular: The Individual, Community, and the Arts
    Students explore the role of the arts in their personal lives, at BU, and in the Boston area, and how the arts contribute to personal and community development. Students engage with approved arts events both on and off campus exploring identity and community; explore a variety of readings on personal, local, and national arts issues; engage in dialogue on the value and role of the arts personally and in the BU and broader community; and reflect on their own growth and exploration in the arts. Effective Fall 2020, this course fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: The Individual in Community.
    • The Individual in Community
  • HUB CC 135: Cocurricular: Global House: Exploring Cultures & Languages
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: Completion of a 112-level language course (minimum) or the equivalent proficiency level in one of the Global House languages. Undergraduate Corequisites: Residence in Global House is preferred. - Student language learners and native speakers collaboratively explore what it means to speak another language and live in another culture. Students develop sensitivity to intercultural differences while engaging in immersive language learning, intercultural communication, and cross-cultural community. To be eligible, students must be an approved residential or non-residential member of Global House. Effective Fall 2023, this Hub cocurricular fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy.
    • Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy
  • HUB CC 161: Cocurricular: Starting a Startup: Discovering and Validating Innovative Ideas
    Students explore the innovation pathway process and apply the tools embedded in this process towards creating a product or service. Students can apply these tools to a non-profit or for-profit venture, or to an idea they would like to explore. Students identify a market need, conduct customer interviews and market research, propose a solution, pitch and refine the idea, present their product or service, and reflect on the creation process. To support this process, students attend weekly BUild Lab programs. Effective Fall 2018, this Hub cocurricular fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: Creativity/Innovation.
    • Creativity/Innovation
  • HUB CC 163: Cocurricular: How to Launch a Project
    Are you ready to transform an idea into a meaningful and feasible project? Is your idea a policy recommendation, advocacy program, community event, media campaign, or creative content? In this Hub cocurricular, students learn to bring a project idea to life while developing their creativity and innovation skill-set through hands-on workshops, reflections, office hours, and feedback sessions. Using the design thinking process, students develop a project proposal to plan and execute their innovative idea. Effective Spring 2020, this Hub cocurricular fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: Creativity/Innovation.
    • Creativity/Innovation
  • HUB CC 164: Cocurricular: Community Changemaking in Boston: How to Get Started Pursuing Local Social Causes
    This cocurricular experience engages students who are passionate about making a difference in their community but are unsure of where to begin. Students investigate a social challenge in Boston, connect with local experts, participate in workshops, and conduct research. Students use a variety of tools to map out underlying causes and stakeholders and to identify gaps for innovative ideas. The experience has a rotating yearly topic aligned with Innovate@BU's annual local community challenge and includes community treks during spring break, reflective activities, and a final presentation. Effective Spring 2022, this course fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: Creativity/Innovation.
    • Creativity/Innovation
  • HUB CC 182: Cocurricular: The Core Docent Program II
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: A CAS CC class or can be a co-requisite. - The Core Docent program introduces students to ways of looking, thinking, and speaking through encounters with art at local museums and public art spaces. Students develop abilities in public speaking, storytelling, facilitating conversation, and organizing learning experiences outside of the traditional classroom space. Effective Fall 2018, this Hub cocurricular fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: The Individual in Community.
    • The Individual in Community
  • HUB CC 184: Cocurricular: Earth House
    In this cocurricular, students explore concepts and practices of sustainability, with Earth House and other BU buildings and outdoor spaces serving as objects of inquiry, and extending to the broader infrastructure and natural systems supporting BU and beyond. Through guided explorations and field trips, and employing direct experiential observations, students examine underpinnings of the three pillars of sustainability - social, environmental, and economic - across four resource domains of food, water, energy, and materials. Effective Fall 2024, this course fulfills a single requirement in the following BU Hub area: Scientific Inquiry I.
    • Scientific Inquiry I
  • HUB CC 192: Cocurricular: Collegiate Publishing Workshop: The Journal of the Core Curriculum
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: At least one Core Curriculum course - In this hands-on publishing experience, students produce The Journal of the Core Curriculum--the annual anthology of the Core Curriculum--while reflecting on how social and professional aspects of publishing mediate the relationship between individuals and communities. Students must have taken at least one Core Curriculum course as a prerequisite for HUB CC 192. Effective Spring 2019, this Hub cocurricular fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: The Individual in Community.
    • The Individual in Community
  • HUB CC 193: Cocurricular: Forced Displacement Studies 1
    Globally, millions of people have been forcibly displaced by wars and persecution. How should universities respond to this unprecedented crisis? In this cocurricular, students compare and contextualize global refugee contexts through reading, discussion, and project-based activities. Students engage with such topics as decolonized design, ethical media standards, complex policies, and global health. This experience is affiliated with the BU Initiative on Forced Displacement. Effective Fall 2020, this Hub cocurricular fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy.
    • Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy
  • HUB CC 195: Cocurricular: Exploring Research Opportunities
    In this introduction to university-level research, students investigate some of the types of research conducted at BU, explore the creative process involved with research, and identify and refine their research interests. Students develop skills in mindfulness, emotional intelligence, problem framing, and iteration and experimentation. Students consider their future involvement in research or other experiential learning opportunities and create a plan for pursuing their interests. Effective Spring 2023, this course fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: Creativity/Innovation.
    • Creativity/Innovation
  • HUB CC 220: Cocurricular: Architects of the Arts: The CFA Peer Mentoring Experience
    Students serve as mentors for incoming first-year College of Fine Arts students enrolled in CFA FA 100 and learn to support other students in their creative, personal, and professional development. Through thoughtful engagement and community excursions, peer mentors reflect upon their worldviews and beliefs while developing an understanding of their role as artistic leaders among their peers and within their community. To be eligible, students must be enrolled in the College of Fine Arts and have completed CFA FA 100. Effective Fall 2021, this Hub cocurricular fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: The Individual in Community.
    • The Individual in Community