Incomplete Coursework
To see the policy regarding incomplete coursework in a course that fulfills Hub requirements, first review the University policy on incomplete coursework in the Bulletin and then review the policy on incomplete coursework for the school or college offering the course in the Bulletin. For instance, the policies regarding an Incomplete in CAS WR 120 would be the University policy found in the Bulletin and the CAS policy found in the CAS Bulletin.
Incomplete grades in general education courses with the college code “HUB” (i.e., HUB XX XXX) must be resolved by the date indicated in the Incomplete Grade Report form, or within the maximum of one term (whichever comes first). A copy of the I Grade Report form should be submitted to the BU Hub office. If incomplete coursework is not submitted during the allotted time, the grade will be converted to the final grade indicated on the I Grade Report form, or to an F if no grade is indicated. For Hub cocurricular experiences, unresolved incompletes will be resolved as a W.