Stephanie Cox Suárez
Clinical Associate Professor Emerita
Dr. Stephanie Cox Suárez is a clinical associate professor emerita of special & elementary education at Boston University Wheelock College of Education & Human Development. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in special education assessment, children with special needs, instructional methods seminars, and “making learning visible” documentation courses. She is the founder of the Documentation Studio.
Dr. Cox Suárez was a special education teacher for 15 years in public schools and at Perkins School for the Blind. Before joining BU Wheelock, she was a Peace Corps volunteer in Kathmandu, Nepal, where she helped prepare teachers of the visually impaired and worked with the Ministry of Education and nongovernmental organizations to initiate a national special education program.
Recent News
PhD, Special Education and Rehabilitation, Boston College
MEd, Special Physical Education, University of Connecticut
BS, Special Education, University of Virginia
Selected Publications
Cox Suárez, S., and Kuh, L. (Eds) (2014). Assessment and Accountability Focused on the Learner: Thoughts from the Field. Special issue, The New Educator, volume 10, issue 1. New York: City College of New York.
Cox Suárez, S and Kuh, L. (2014). Who is in the conversation? Listening to each other and to children. The New Educator, volume 10, issue 1. New York: City College of New York.
Cox Suárez, S. (2014). What does your child really know? Supporting teachers to listen closely to our children. The New Educator, volume 10, issue 1. New York: City College of New York.
Fiore, L., & Cox Suárez, S., Eds. (2010). Observation, Documentation, and Reflection to Create a Culture of Inquiry (special issue), Theory into Practice, volume 49, Issue 1.
Cox Suárez, S., (2010). Show me again what I can do: Documentation and self-determination for students with social challenges. Theory into Practice, volume 49, 21-28.
Selected Presentations
Cox Suárez, S. & First, K. (2017, November). Engaging by Design: Documenting Ideas to Projects. Presentation as part of the speaker series of the Boston Area Reggio Emilia Network, Boston, MA.
Cox Suárez, S. (2016, April). Making Teaching and Learning Visible. Keynote address to the faculty and parents of the University of Chicago Lab School, Chicago, Illinois.
Cox Suárez, S. (2016, October). The What and Why of Documentation. Keynote address to the North American Reggio Emilia Alliance (NAREA) conference, Brick by Brick series, Boston, Mass.
Cox Suárez, S. (2015 and 2016, February). Making Learning Visible in the Boston Children’s Museum. Workshop for the staff at the Boston Children’s Museum, Boston, Mass.
Cox Suárez, S. (2015 and 2016, December, February). Documentation and Children with Special Rights. Workshop for the staff at the Eliot Pearson School, Tufts University, Somerville, Mass.
Cox Suárez, S. (2015, April). 100 Ways to Think. Keynote address to the Advent School annual conference, Boston, Mass.
Cox Suárez, S. (2014, May). Making Learning Visible. Visiting Scholar to Bahcesehir University, Istanbul with presentations to three schools in Istanbul, Diyarbakir, and Izmir, Turkey.