Photo of Lisa Ijiri

Lisa Ijiri

Clinical Professor
Senior Advisor to the Dean

Dr. Lisa Ijiri is a clinical professor and senior advisor to the dean at BU Wheelock College of Education & Human Development. She is a senior academic administrator with over 30 years of experience in higher education leadership. Her lifelong focus has been on student access, diversity and inclusion, new program development, and educational effectiveness, and she has presented nationally and internationally on wide-ranging topics including accreditation, global learning, strategic change management, higher education disability support, and assessment.

Before she joined BU Wheelock, Dr. Ijiri served at as vice provost and professor at Lesley University, where her achievements included leadership in launching new programs, oversight of accreditation efforts and programmatic accreditations, and the establishment of the Global Education Center. Previously, she served at Curry College in roles that included associate dean, chair, and associate/full professor. At Curry, she also led the Program for Advancement of Learning though a period of rapid growth. She is a frequent presenter and evaluator for NECHE accreditation teams and has expertise and experience with evaluating international institutions.

Dr. Ijiri has served on several advisory boards including the Massachusetts ACE Women’s Leadership Network, the Cambridge Community Foundation, and Freelance Players, Inc. Her early career experiences include positions in the Northwestern Learning Disabilities Clinic, assistant professor at Barat College (now part of DePaul University), and international experience as a Fulbright Scholar and visiting researcher at the University of Tokyo.

PhD and MA, Learning Disabilities, Northwestern University

MA and BA, Psychology, Johns Hopkins University

Ijiri, L. (2014). Academic deans balancing professional and personal lives: Reframing Balance, Momentum, and Flow. In Behling, L. (Ed.) The Resource Handbook for Academic Deans (Third Edition), San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.

Fox, L. & Ijiri, L. Eds. (2010). Changing lives of college students with learning disabilities: the power of metacognitive relationships. Curry College Press: Milton, MA.

Ijiri, L. and Fox, L. (2005). Learning Disabilities Reference. Curry College Press: Milton, MA.

Ijiri, L. & Kudzma, E. (2000). “Supporting nursing students with learning disabilities, a metacognitive approach.” Journal of Professional Nursing, 16, (3). 149-57.

Churchill, M. (Host). (2020, January). Strategic Service and Accreditation with Lisa Ijiri (No. 2.1). [Audio podcast episode]. In View from Venus. Inside Higher Education.

Churchill, M., and Ijiri, L. (2015). Internationalization, Integrated Planning, and Tactics for Organizational Change. Presentation at Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Ijiri, L. (2014). Accreditation as a Lever for Change. Presentation at Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Ijiri, L. (2014). Navigating the Senior International Officer Role to Advance Global Learning: Toolkits, Tensions and Timing. Presentation at AAC&U Global Learning Conference: Minneapolis, MN.

Clabby, B., Ijiri, L., and Robertson, J. (2014). Creating global citizens locally: Introducing an ‘internationalizing the curriculum’ initiative on campus. Chair of panel presentation at Association for International Education Administration (AIEA) annual conference: Washington, D.C.

Ijiri, L. (2013). Global engagement as object and agent: Using integrated planning for globalization and leveraging globalization to advance integrated planning. Presentation at Society for Colleges and University Planning Regional Conference, Montreal, Canada.

Ijiri, L., Cokely C., Mytkowicz, P., and Shaw, H. (2010). Assessment of Integrative Learning. Presented at NEEAN conference, Worcester, MA.

Ijiri, L. (2009). From Tradition to Transformation: Integrative Learning at Curry College. Presented at American Association of Colleges and Universities Conference on Integrative Learning, Atlanta, Georgia.

Ijiri, L. (2007). Strategies for success for students with learning disabilities. Invited keynote presenter for annual Catholic Educators’ conference. Stonehill College, Easton, MA.

Ijiri, L., and Mytkowicz, P. (2006). Success for college students with learning disabilities. Keynote presentation at Learning Disabilities Association of Puerto Rico conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Ijiri, L. (2006). College search for students with learning disabilities. Presentation at Learning Disabilities Association annual conference, Jacksonville, FL.

Ijiri, L. and Rooney, G. (2004). LD/ESOL: Curricular and programmatic innovations at the college level. Presentation at International Dyslexia Association International Conference, Washington, D.C.