From December 2015 until October 2016, IS&T will be migrating over 24,000 Exchange mailboxes from on premise servers to the cloud based Exchange Online environment. Exchange Online provides your Outlook email, Calendar and Contacts through an online web interface. Accessing your mail, calendar information, and contacts will not change for those using desktop or mobile mail clients. For those wanting to access their mail through a web browser, you can access Exchange Online by logging in at or Use your full BU email address as the User Name (e.g. with your Kerberos password.

You can continue to access your email, calendar and contacts just as you have been through desktop and mobile device clients, as described on the corresponding pages.

About Migration

Approximately 10 days prior to your mailbox’s migration, you will receive an email from IS&T outlining exactly when your account will be migrated, and what steps you will need to take. Before migration, we strongly recommend emptying your trash and junk mail folders if you don’t regularly do so to allow for a quicker migration time. Migration will occur during overnight hours.

After your have been migrated, your mail clients should autodiscover the new mail server and continue to function normally. Outlook will notify you with a pop up when the migration is completed, and you will just need to then close Outlook and reopen again.  You can continue using Outlook while the migration is going on.  You will not lose any work in process when you receive the pop-up, it should be saved to your drafts folder. If you cannot access your mail after migration, please see the Migration Troubleshooting page for further help.