If you’ve received a notice from Boston University that we have received a Notice of Infringement you will need to take action to resolve the incident.


If you are student at Boston University and you have received a notification of infringement from the University you will need to resolve the incident via our automated DMCA Infringement Notification System.  Using this system requires that you acknowledge via our application that you have received the notification and that you’ve taken action to prevent further sharing of the copyrighted materials.  These actions include such things as disabling file sharing from your computer, removing infringing works for which you do not own the copyright, and not participating in activities in the future.

Faculty, Staff, Departments, and Others:

If you have received a notification from Information Services and Technology regarding an infringement it is necessary that you investigate to determine how the copyrighted materials are being shared and expeditiously prevent further sharing.  When you have identified the source of the violation and taken corrective action you must respond to the notice and indicate what steps were taken.

Repeat Offenders

It is the University’s policy, as set forth in the University’s Information Security Policy and Guidelines, to terminate, in appropriate circumstances, subscribers, account holders and other Users of the University’s system or network who are repeat copyright infringers.

It is the University’s policy also to accommodate and not interfere with technical measures used by copyright owners to identify or protect copyrighted works where such measures have been developed pursuant to a broad consensus of copyright owners and service providers in an open, fair, voluntary and multi-industry standards process, are available to any person on reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and do not impose substantial costs on the University or substantial burdens on its systems or networks.

Counter Notification

It is possible that a copyright holder will misidentify a shared work as belonging to them when it does not, or may identify a use as infringing that is covered under the Doctrine of Fair Use.  For example, you may be the author of a work that shares a common name with a copyrighted work.  In these cases you may provide counter notification that indicates your use is not infringing.

Publicly sharing or obtaining complete copies of a copyrighted work without permission of the copyright holder is never a fair use of the work.