Disabling Peer-to-Peer File Sharing
Any sharing of copyrighted materials on the University network is a violation of the Computing Ethics Policy, and may lead to disciplinary action and, in some cases, legal action. Inform yourself of the Recording Industry of America’s (RIAA) guidelines regarding piracy. Find out more about copyright issues by visiting the Motion Picture Association of America’s (MPAA) copyright information page.
The links below list some of the most common peer-to-peer clients and link to instructions on how to disable file sharing on each one. If your particular client is not listed here you are not exempted from the restrictions against distributing copyrighted material.
Please note, if you are distributing copyrighted materials via another method (i.e. ftp, Hotline, IRC, etc.) this is also considered a violation of the Computing Ethics Policy and as such disciplinary action will be initiated against individuals who engage in such activity.
The instructions on these pages are a guide for what we currently think are feasible workarounds, but ultimate responsibility for your network usage falls to you.
- Select Preferences from the Acquisition menu.
- In the window that opens, click the Sharing button.
- Make sure there are no files and/or folders listed. If files/folders are listed you may have to select each one and click on the Remove button.
Note: Aimster is now called Madster and is now a subscription service. The current version of the software may differ from what is shown here.
- Select the Settings item from the Aimster control panel.
- Select the Transfers tab and change the Max Aimster Uploads field to 0.
Ares and Ares Lite
- In the main window, click Library at the top.
- Click the Preferences button and select the Manual configure tab.
- Look for drives or folders with a red box next to their name. These drives have shared sub-folders. Expand the drive tree by clicking the + button next to their names until you find all of the folders with a selected check box next to them. Uncheck all of the boxes.
- When there are no shared folders remaining, all of the drives should have empty gray check boxes next to them.
BitTorrent (and other BitTorrent clients)
It is not possible to disable filesharing in BitTorrent (or other torrent clients) or to disable sharing of .torrent files while downloading from another client.
As long as you are downloading a .torrent file or leave the window open, you are sharing that file. Because of this, it is strongly recommended that you not use BitTorrent (or other clients) to download copyrighted files.
You can turn off sharing during Blubster installation.
- In the Blubster Configuration Assistant window click the Remove… button.
- Select all the shared folders and click Remove. Click Close.
If Blubster is already installed:
- Click the My Music button in the main window.
- Click the UnShare button.
- In the window that opens, select all the shared folders and click Remove. Click Close.
Direct Connect
- Select the Settings item from the menu bar.
- Click the Add button under the Shared Folders: box.
- Select the folder where you want to create a new empty folder.
- Click the New Folder button, and type in a name such as “Empty“, then click OK.
- The folder you created should now appear in the Shared Folders window. Leave this folder empty to prevent the sharing of files.
eDonkey2000 and Overnet
It is not possible to completely disable filesharing in eDonkey 2000 or Overnet.
The downloads directory, incoming, must be shared. To remain in compliance with applicable policies and federal law, you must not store or keep copyrighted content which you don’t have permission to share in this folder.
To remove other shared folders follow the instructions below.
- Click the Shared button in the main window and select the My Computer tab.
- Look for drives and folders with icons of a small green dot next to a larger gray dot. These drives and folders have shared sub-folders. Expand the directory tree of these folders by clicking the + button, and unselect all of the shared folders by clicking the green dots.
- The incoming folder in the eDonkey2000 or Overnet directory cannot be unshared. Remove all files from this folder and continue to remove new ones as they are downloaded.
- Select Options… from the Tools menu.
- Select the Sharing category on the left.
- Select all shared directories and click Remove.
- Expand the Uploads category in the list on the left, and select Slots.
- Set Uploads Per Person, Start Upload Slots, and Max Upload Slots to 0.
- Click OK.
Gnotella (no longer available)
- Select Preferences from the main Gnucleus Edit menu.
- Select the Share section on the left of the Share Properties window.
- Highlight each shared directory in the Shared Directories field and click the Remove button until the field is completely empty.
- Select Options… from the Tools menu.
- Select the Sharing tab.
- Uncheck tbe box labeled Share files in ‘My Shared Folder’.
- To make sure you are not sharing any other folders click the Add Other Folders button.
- Look for drives and folders with red boxes next to their names. These drives and folders have shared sub-folders. Expand the directory tree by clicking the + buttons and uncheck all of the selected boxes. Click OK. Click OK.
You cannot unshare ‘My Shared Folder’.
- Select the Uploads section from the left side of the main GTK-Gnutella window.
- Change the Maximum simultaneous uploads field to 0.
The easiest time to disable file sharing in iMesh is during installation. In the Installation Complete window, check the box labeled Disable Sharing.
If iMesh is already installed:
- Click the Options button at the top of the Search window.
- Select the Security category from the list and check the box labeled Don’t share files on this computer. Click OK.
- To make sure you are not sharing any folders, select the My Library window and click the Share Manager button.
- Look for drives and folders with a grayed-out box next to them. These drives or folders have sub-folders that are being shared. Expand the directory tree and uncheck all selected check boxes.
- When you have unselected all check boxes, there should be no more grayed-out boxes left. Click OK.
Kazaa Lite and Kazaa Lite K++
- Select Kazaa Lite K++ Options from the Tools menu.
- Select the Traffic tab and check the box labeled Disable sharing of files with other users.
- Click OK.
Kazaa Media Desktop
- Select Options… from the Tools menu.
- Select the Sharing tab. Uncheck the box labeled Share files in ‘My Shared Folder’ and ‘Other Folders’.
- Click OK.
Kazaa also installs the Peer Points Manager program. To disable filesharing in this, select the Settings tab in the main window and uncheck the box labeled Enabled File Sharing.
- Select Options… from the Tools menu.
- Select the Sharing category on the left.
- Select each of the shared directories from the list and click Remove.
- Click the arrow next to the Uploads category, and then select Basic.
- Uncheck the box labeled Allow Partial Sharing.
- Select the Slots category under Uploads.
- Set Uploads Per Person and Max Upload Slots to 0.
- Click OK.
Please note that you must take this step every time you start the application as it defaults to allowing file sharing.
- Uncheck the Enable sharing checkbox to disable file sharing.
The easiest time to disable file sharing in Morpheus is during installation.
- In the sharing setup window, select each of the shared folders in the list and click Remove.
If Morpheus is already installed:
- Click the Wrench button in the main window to bring up the options window.
- Select the Share category on the left.
- Select each of the folders in the list of shared directories and click Remove.
- Select the Transfer category on the left and set Maximum simultaneous uploads to 0.
- Click OK.
- Click the Settings button in the main window.
- Select the Share category on the left and select all of the shared folders and click Remove.
- Click OK.
- Click the Preferences button in the main window.
- Select the Directories category on the left and look for drives and folders whose names are in bold. These drives and folders have shared sub-folders.
- Expand the directory trees fo the folders whose names are in bold and uncheck all of the selected check boxes.
- When there are no more shared folders, all drive names will be in plain text. Click OK.
- Select Phex Options from the Setting menu.
- Select Sharing from the list on the left.
- Set Max Simultaneous Uploads to 0.
- Click OK.
If you are installing Piolet, you can turn off sharing during installation.
- In the Piolet Setup window click the Remove… button.
- Select all the shared folders and click Remove. Click Close.
If Piolet is already installed:
- Click the My Music button in the main window.
- Click the Unshare button to bring up the Remove Folder window.
- Select all the shared folders and click Remove.
- Click Close.
- Select the Configuration tab from the main Qtella window.
- Locate the Max Uploads field in the bottom left corner.
- Change the Max Uploads field to read 0.
You can disable sharing in Shareaza during installation.
- In the sharing setup window, select each of the shared folders from the list and click Remove.
If Shareaza is already installed:
- Select Share Files… from the Tools menu.
- Select all of the shared folders and click Remove.
- Click OK.
- Select Shareaza Settings… from the Tools menu.
- Select the Uploads category on the left.
- Uncheck the boxes labeled Share NEW partial downloads and Share preview files.
- Select all of the queues from the left and click Delete.
- Click OK.
- Select File Sharing Configuration from the Options menu.
- Uncheck the box labeled Share save folder.
- Folders whose icons contain an arrow pointing to a triangle contain shared sub-folders. Expand the directory tree by clicking the + boxes and uncheck all of the selected boxes.
- When a folder contains no shared sub-folders, its icon will be plain but the icons are not updated until the window is closed and reopened. Click OK, and then reopen the window to make sure there are no more shared folders.
It is not possible to completely disable filesharing in TrustyFiles.
The downloads directory, ‘C:\Program Files\TrustyFiles\Downloads’ by default must be shared. To remain in compliance with applicable policies and federal law, you must not store or keep copyrighted content which you don’t have permission to share in this folder.
To remove other shared folders follow the instructions below:
- Select Options… from the Tools menu.
- Select the Downloads and Sharing tab.
- Select all of the shared directories from the list and click Remove.
Warez P2P
- Select Preferences from the Main menu.
- Select the Manual configure category in the Fileshare group on the left
- Expand each drive by clicking the + buttons and look for folders with red boxes next to their name. These folders contain shared sub-folders.
- Expand the folders with red boxes and uncheck all of the selected check boxes. When there are no more shared folders all of the boxes will turn gray.
You can disable file sharing during installation of WinMX.
- In the sharing setup window, select all shared folders and click Unshare Selected Folder(s)…
If WinMX is already installed:
- Click the Shared Files button in the main window.
- Hold down the Unshare Folder to bring up a menu of shared folders.
- Select each of them to unshare them.
You can disable file sharing during installation of Xolox.
- In the Xolox setup window, select all the shared folders and click Remove.
If Xolox is already installed:
- Click the button with the Hammer and Toolbox icon in the main window to bring up the Options window.
- Select the Share category on the left.
- Select all of the shared directories and click Remove.
- Select the Transfer category on the left.
- Set Maximum simultaneous uploads to 0.
- Click OK.