Our Essential Lessons are a sequence of lessons that form the backbone of the Writing Program curriculum, illustrating what we want all students to learn across our program’s diverse course topics.
Students develop the closely related skills of reading and writing through sustained instruction in summary and analysis, where these skills meet. This lesson outlines ways to explicitly teach summary and analysis of the challenging texts that our students are expected to read “with understanding, appreciation, and critical engagement” in WR 120.
This lesson acknowledges the difficulty readers of all kinds face when they encounter challenging texts and offers practices to help students face that difficulty. Through highlighting the challenging nature of texts assigned in WR classes, it communicates high standards for all students. These measures have been shown to reduce stereotype threat.
Students will be able to summarize and analyze a challenging text and to distinguish between summary and analysis.
Key Terms
summary, analysis, rhetorical situation (audience, purpose, context, genre)
Summary and analysis should be among the first skills students practice in WR 120. Incorporate this lesson early in the semester, preferably focusing on a challenging text that is foundational to the class topic. Since these skills are so essential, students should practice them throughout the semester with increasing independence.
This lesson is designed to take place in two class sessions, but we also offer some ideas for contextualizing these concepts for students in the days or weeks before the lesson itself.
Conceptual Framework
Genre Awareness
This lesson poses questions about the rhetorical situation of a text and asks students to consider the role and form of summary and analysis in several genres, adaptable to the course content.
Students reflect on their low-stakes attempts at summary and analysis and consider how composing summary and analysis can lead to better understanding and deeper engagement. Consider connecting these reflections to their first paper assignment, if applicable.
- Use an optional ice-breaker activity to foreground the importance of summary and analysis by having students summarize (and introduce) a classmate.
- Ask students to interview each other, then write an introduction of their partner of roughly 200 words. Next class, have students read these introductions aloud–and then, before they hand them in, ask students to give them to their partners, so that the students who are the subjects of these summaries can check them for accuracy–a key feature of fair summary. The student-subjects can also add something that was left out–a reminder that summary always involves leaving things out.
- Introduce the concept of rhetorical situation. Ask some questions about the rhetorical situation of these classmate summaries:
- What is the purpose of this summary?
- Who is the audience?
- What is the context or situation?
- How might students’ choices be different if the audience, etc., were different?
- Consider what would be different if the assignment had instead been to analyze this classmate. (While it might be helpful to provide a hypothetical example, don’t ask students to analyze one another!) Use this prompt as an illustration of the difference between summary and analysis, while acknowledging that summary can include shades of analysis.
- Focus on summary and analysis as well as content when covering the first few readings of the course.
- Point out places in these texts where summary occurs in order to help students become aware of more conventional forms of summary.
Questions to analyze the rhetorical situation of the published writer’s summary
- What is its purpose, audience, situation?
- How might these have shaped the writer’s choices about its length, how it is introduced, etc.?
- Where does the author depart from summary and move toward analysis and response?
- How can you tell the difference?
- Choose a challenging text, ideally one that students will need to engage in Paper 1, to summarize together as a class.
- Prepare students to read. Acknowledge the text’s difficulty and guide students in assessing their own reading struggles; share strategies and provide heuristics–or interactive techniques that promote discovery–that help students read actively, work through confusion, make inferences, and connect the text to their own experiences and ideas (see, for example, Mike Bunn’s “How to Read Like a Writer”); promote collaboration that gets students talking about their reading experiences and exposes them to others’ questions, perspectives, and interpretations.
- Ask students to summarize the text. Think, pair, share can work well; ask students to summarize it in, say, 25 or 50 words, compare summaries with a partner, then discuss their summaries with the class. A “jigsaw” method can also be a helpful exercise in summary. Asking students, individually or in pairs, to summarize a section of a text (a paragraph, for example), then stringing together those section summaries into a summary of the whole can lead to engaging discussions of the text’s content and structure, as well as give practice in summary. Note in class discussion when student contributions are elaborating on the summary and when contributions become something else: argument about the text or analysis of it.
- Reflect. Ask students to reflect about how the process of summarizing the text changed their understanding of it. Ask them to identify one aspect of the text that is clearer to them and one aspect that is still puzzling, difficult, or ambiguous.
- Analyze the same text together in the next class meeting.
- Guide students toward analysis with key questions.
- Ask questions designed to help students analyze the rhetorical situation and/or argument. Adapt the questions below as necessary, depending on the text and how your first paper assignment asks students to engage it (mostly likely as an exhibit source or as an argument source).
Questions to analyze the rhetorical situation
- What is the writer’s purpose (to persuade, entertain, inform, incite, etc.)?
- Who is the writer’s audience?
- What is the text’s context/situation?
- What is the genre?
- Why do these elements matter to our reading of the text?
- How might they shape our understanding of it?
Questions to analyze the argument
- What is the claim?
- How is it supported?
- What reasons are given?
- What kind of evidence is used to support these reasons?
- How are the counterarguments (if any) presented/summarized?
- How are they acknowledged and responded to?
- Why is this claim significant?
- Reflect again with students. In discussion and/or writing, ask students to revisit their reflection on what was puzzling, difficult, or ambiguous after composing the summary and consider if/how the series of analytical questions helped them think more deeply about whatever is challenging about the text or gave them tools to better understand it. Ask students to identify one way they might analyze a challenging feature of the text.
Variations and Follow-Ups
Further Reading
See all Writing Program Essential Lessons