Annual Re-Registration
You must complete re-registration once a year to keep your registered status for the coming fall.
Student organization re-registration will be open in the spring semester (generally around April/May). If your student organization plans to be active for the following academic year, you must re-register via TerrierCentral. Stay tuned to SAO’s social media, TerrierCentral updates, and announcements in the office for details on the re-registration process.
Loss of Recognition
- It’s rare for us to revoke recognition, but if you misrepresent BU or your own group and its intentions, or fail to comply with University policies, you may lose your group’s official status.
- All members of your organization are responsible for knowing and following BU policies, as well as federal, state, and local laws. If you’re not sure how to interpret a policy or law, it’s on you to ask us—and we’ll be glad to lay it out.
- If you don’t comply with University policies or federal, Commonwealth, and local laws, your organization could face criminal or civil charges and University penalties.
- You’ll receive a formal violation notice for any breaches of policy—which may or may not carry a punitive fine.
Recognition Policies
- Registration of an organization and approval of organization programs does not imply that the University approves or disapproves of the organization’s constitution, purpose, literature, or programs. The views held or expressed by the organization and/or its membership are solely that of the individuals involved.
- It is the student’s responsibility to re-register their student organization every year during the Spring Semester. Failure to do so means the organization will need to reapply as a new group.
- In compliance with Title IX of the U.S. Higher Education Amendments of 1972, “There shall be no restrictions on membership based on race, religion, nationality, gender, handicap, political conviction, or sexual orientation.”
- Starting in the Spring of 2022, all organizations will be required to list a full membership roster on their TerrierCentral portal.
- Newly recognized organizations will be required to have at least 10 members.
- Student organizations must have a current constitution (no more than five years old) on file with SAO. These forms should be uploaded to the group’s TerrierCentral portal. Constitutions must conform to city, state, and federal laws, as well as Boston University policies.
- Any student organization affiliated with a national or regional organization must declare that affiliation and submit copies of the larger (parent) organization’s constitution for review. In cases of conflicting policies between parent organizations and Boston University, University policies shall prevail.
- Officers of student organizations must be full-time, registered Boston University students in good academic, financial, and disciplinary standing. Officers of undergraduate organizations must be full-time, registered Boston University undergraduate students.
- Student elections must be held annually. Each organization must inform Student Activities of election results by updating their positions in their TerrierCentral portal within one week.
- In the case of a student leaving office prior to annual elections, the student group must notify us by updating their positions on their TerrierCentral portal.
- Student organizations’ accounts in the Student Activities Business Office (SABO) must be in good financial standing in order to register and/or make program arrangements.
- Student groups with negative balances may be allowed to program after they have filled out a Deficit Agreement Form and it has been approved by the Business Office. Prior approval must be given before purchases and arrangements can be made with a negative balance.
Programs and Contracts
- Student organizations and their members are not permitted to sign any contract with an outside vendor, performer, or venue. All contracts for student events must be signed by the trustees of Boston University.
- Student organizations must comply with the proper Student Activities procedures and deadlines for a program. Failure to do so could result in the program not being approved.
- Boston University and student organizations do not insure or warrant the safety of activities sponsored by student organizations. Participants in activities involving risks of physical injury or property damage are expected to assume full responsibility for such risks and for their individual physical fitness to participate in such activities. Participants may be required to sign and submit a release, waiver of claim, and assumption of risk agreement before some programs.
- No arrangements (including space reservations, fiscal arrangements, or contractual agreements) are considered final until all forms are submitted to, and approved by, Student Activities.
- All money to cover the cost of a program must be in a student organization’s account before the event is approved.
- It is the responsibility of the student organization to cancel all reserved spaces and services that are not being used for an event. Student Activities will be glad to assist any student attempting to contact vendors and offices; however, it is solely up to the student to reach out to the proper contacts. To inform us of a cancelled event please complete the form on TerrierCentral