style and submission guidelines
This guide has been adapted from the manuscript guidelines for The Art Bulletin. For general questions of style, please use The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010). For spelling, refer to Webster’s Third New International Dictionary.
The title of the article may be no longer than eighty-five characters, including the subtitle.
Double-space ALL copy: text, quotations, endnotes, captions, bibliography, author’s biographical statement. Use 12-point Arial type for all elements. Begin each section or element (text, endnotes, bibliography, etc.) on a new page. Number all pages. Leave a margin of 1 inch all around. Do not break words (hyphenate) at ends of lines. Do not justify the right margin. Use italic type for words to be set in italics. Do not use boldface or other sizes or styles or font. Please send all submissions via email as Microsoft Word documents.
Notes should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and submitted as footnotes, not endnotes. Footnote numbers in the text should use superscript figures placed after punctuation.
Full bibliographic information should included within the footnotes.
Quotations must be absolutely accurate and carefully transcribed. An ellipsis (three spaced dots) indicates words dropped within a sentence. A period and three spaced dots indicates a deletion between sentences.
Unless governed by fair use, authors must obtain permission to quote published material.
If you are responsible for some of the translations, add at the head of the notes: “Unless otherwise indicated, translations are the author’s.”
Foreign-language quotations in both text and notes should be translated into English, unless the significance of the quotation will be lost. The original text may be included in a note if it is unpublished, difficult to access, or of philological relevance to the article.
“Emphasis added” indicates your addition to quoted matter.
Brackets in quoted material indicate author’s interpolation; in inscriptions they indicate letters lost through damage. Parentheses indicate letters omitted as the result of abbreviation in inscriptions.
All references to publications and the like should appear in full form (including place of publication and publisher) only once. Subsequent appearances should use a short form: surname of author, short title, and page reference. (Consult The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed., chapters 14-15). Do not use op. cit.
foreign-language fonts
Please call to the attention of the editors any non-Latin fonts or special diacritics. SEQUITUR cannot guarantee that these characters can be displayed on our website.
manuscript for book reviews
The following information must be provided at the beginning of the review, starting new lines as follows:
- Author’s/editor’s name
- Complete title of book (with a colon between the main title and the subtitle)
- Place of publication; publisher; date of publication; total number of pages (including all front matter and illustrations that do not carry page numbers); number of illustrations (black and white and color); price
The format is as follows:
Jan van Eyck: The Play of Realism
London: Reaktion Books, 1991. 228 pp.; 42 color ills., 80 b/w.
The Wu Liang Shrine: The Ideology of Early Chinese Pictorial Art
Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1991. 435 pp.; 210 b/w ills.
$60.00; $24.95 paper
Click the above link for information on how to confirm copyright information and submit images.
In text mentions of figures should follow the following format : (fig. #).
Captions should be numbered consecutively and contain, whenever available and appropriate, the following information in this order:
Figure number followed by a period.
Artist (life dates with em dash). Title (in italics) (date). Medium. h x w x d in. (or ft.) (metric). Name of collection, city of collection. Copyright or credit-line info regarding both the photograph and the artwork.
basic caption style
Figure 1. Sandro Botticelli. Primavera (c. 1482). Tempera on panel. 80 x 124 in. Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence. Photo provided by Scala/Art Resource, NY.
Artist, title, date, medium, dimensions, and collection with city are elements are followed by a period. Credit lines and copyright follow, with information separated by commas and followed by a terminal period. Use the phrase “courtesy of” in image captions, and if necessary, use the following language: Location unknown, Private collection, or Collection of the artist.
Not all images are of works of art or other objects, and therefore not all of the above data can be included for every image. For example, works of performance art, architecture, archaeological excavations, photographs that are themselves artworks, etchings and other prints, etc., may in some cases not include dimensions or medium or other data. Other data specific to the argument of the text may be included. In some instances, the object data is irrelevant to the argument; however, to aid future readers and researchers who consult the journal, complete object data should be provided if possible. Instances where reliable caption information is not available, or where its inclusion is in the author’s opinion problematic, should be discussed with the editors at the stage when edited manuscript is received.
Since authors are responsible for obtaining reproduction permissions, captions should include all elements specified in the letter(s) of permission from the rights holder, institution, and/or photographer. SEQUITUR reserves the right to edit these to conform to its style.
Captions must distinguish clearly between a copyright in an artwork and a copyright in a photograph of an artwork (where the artwork may or may not be in the public domain). A copyright notice and/or the © symbol should only be included when requested by a lender, and must indicate clearly whether the copyright being asserted is in the underlying artwork or in the photograph of it. When in doubt, the author should include the language requested by the lender of a photograph and the language requested by the rights holder granting permission. (Frequently, these are separate documents from separate sources.)
In general, an artwork reproduced in SEQUITUR using a digital scan from a published book should not include the publication information for that book in the caption, but only the collection information and any actual information relating to copyright permission. It is extremely rare for the publisher of a book to own the rights to individual images; therefore, authors should seek copyright permission for artworks (other than those in the public domain) from the copyright holder, not from the publisher of the book that is the source of the scan. (Publishers may be helpful in providing information about the identity or address of a copyright holder.)
An occasional exception to this is a diagram, floor plan, map, or other line drawing in a book. If they were created on commission for the book, the publisher may hold the copyright. If not, the book or publisher may be consulted to find the proper credit information (often in a “credits” section at the back).
In cases where the reproduction is of a period book illustration and the publication information about that book is germane to the argument of the essay, publication information about the book may be included in the caption at the author’s discretion.
publishing process and schedule
After the manuscript is submitted to the editors, it is reviewed by at least two readers. It may be returned for revisions once or more. After revisions are finalized it is sent to a faculty reader for final approval. With few exceptions articles will appear in the immediately subsequent issue of the journal, at the discretion of the editor. Unsolicited submissions will not be reviewed. At this time there will be no page proofs.