Professor of Philosophy Emeritus and Borden Parker Bowne Professor of Philosophy (1929-2014)

Interests: History of Philosophy, Metaphysics, Contemporary Philosophy, Social and Political Thought

Prior to coming to Boston University in the fall of 1994, Stanley Rosen was Evan Pugh Professor at Pennsylvania State University. He has also taught as a Visiting Professor at the University of California in San Diego, the University of Nice, and the Scuola Superiore in Pisa.

Dr. Rosen is author of:

Plato’s Symposium: A Study (Yale University Press, 2005)

La production platonicienne (Presses Universitaires de France, 2005)

The Web of Politics, French translation (J. Vrin, Paris, 2004)

The Mask of Enlightenment: Nietzsche’s Zarathustra, 2nd edition (Yale University Press, 2004)

Hermeneutics as Politics, 2nd edition (Yale University Press, 2003)

The Elusiveness of the Ordinary (Yale University Press, 2002)

Metaphysics in Ordinary Language (Yale University Press, 1999)

The Mask of Enlightenment: Nietzsche’s Zarathustra (Cambridge University Press, 1995)

Plato’s Statesman: The Web of Politics (Yale University Press, 1995)

The Question of Being: A Reversal of Heidegger (Yale University Press, 1993)

The Ancients and the Moderns (Yale University Press, 1989)

The Quarrel Between Philosophy and Poetry (Routledge, 1988)

Plato’s Symposium (Yale University Press, 1987)

Hermeneutics as Politics (Oxford University Press, 1987)

Plato’s Sophist (Yale University Press, 1983)

The Limits of Analysis (Basic Books, 1980)

G. W. F. Hegel: An Introduction to the Science of Wisdom (Yale University Press, 1974)

Nihilism: a Philosophical Essay (Yale University Press, 1969)

In addition, Professor Rosen has published over thirty papers in books and over sixty articles in professional journals, many in French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Serbian, Polish, Chinese, Japanese, and Hebrew translations. He has held a variety of fellowships and honorary positions, including the Companys Professorship at the University of Barcelona and the presidency of the Metaphysical Society of America. Dr. Rosen is also the recipient of an honorary doctorate from the University of Lisbon (1997). In 1999 he was chosen to be the recipient of the Neu Family Award for Excellence in Teaching from the College of Arts and Sciences. In 2003, he was elected an honorary member of the Serbian National Academy and his book, The Limits of Analysis, was published in Serbian.

Dr. Rosen has delivered over 190 lectures in the United States and abroad including, over the last decade or so, at the Universities of Padua, Torino, Paris, Mainz, Barcelona, California (Berkeley), Texas (Austin), and Chicago; the Heidelberg, Stockholm, Tübingen, Bonn, Manchester, Essex, Duke, Brandeis, Emory, Cornell, Harvard, and Yale Universities; the Ecole normale supérieure (Paris); the Ecole Saint-Jacques (Brussels); and Williams College. In 1997 he presented the Priestley Lectures at the University of Toronto, and in 1998 he was the Cardinal Mercier Lecturer at the Catholic University of Leuven. In November and December 2003, he was the Etienne Gilson Lecturer at the Institut Catholique in Paris. The lectures will be published in French this fall by Presses Universitaires de France.

In November 2001, there was a colloqium on his work at the University of Paris, and in April 2002, there was another at Boston University.

Dr. Rosen’s graduate level courses treat of ancient philosophy, metaphysics, political philosophy, and of various figures in the history of philosophy. In the fall 1994 semester, he taught a graduate level course on Plato’s Philebus, and in the spring 1995 semester a course on metaphysics. During the 1995/96 year he taught a two semester course on Hegel’s Logic. In the spring 1997 semester, Dr. Rosen taught a seminar in the Philosophy of the Enlightenment and in the fall a seminar on Plato’s Philebus. In 1998/99 he taught Book One of Hegel’s Logic and Book Theta of Aristotle’s Metaphysics. In 2001/2002, Dr. Rosen taught a year-long course on Plato’s Republic.