User Registration
Welcome to NPC lab resources, here you can find step by step instructions on how to get access to the NPC lab area and also to the scheduling system.
Access to the NPC core areas:
LSEB access:
To get access to the NPC core area located on the second 24 Cummington Mall (LSEB), you need to receive training and get your BU ID card activated, John Jiang is managing LSEB core space and needs to meet each person gaining access to space; after you fill out the User Registration form, then John will follow up with you.
CILSE access:
- To get access to the NPC fNIRS lab area located on the first floor of Cognitive Neuroimaging Center (CNC) at 610 commonwealth ave, you need to receive training and get your BU ID card activated, Parya Farzam is managing this core space and needs to meet each person gaining access to CILSE/CNC space; after you fill out the User Registration form, then Parya will follow up with you.
- To get access to the NPC lab area (Devor Lab) located on the ninth floor at 610 commonwealth ave, you need to receive training and get your BU ID card activated, Martin Thunemann is managing this core space and needs to meet each person gaining access to CILSE space on ninth floor; after you fill out the User Registration form, then Martin will follow up with you
Instrument training and Scheduling:
In order to book a time to use NPC core resources located at LSEB and/or get assistance, you need to be a user on Bookscheduler and you also need to be trained to use the instrument(s) you want. To get this training and then to get access to the scheduling system, please contact Parya Farzam.