Information for International Students
International Student Data Form
Foreign applicants who have been accepted to BU Law are required to complete the International Student Data Form (ISDF). You can download the ISDF from the International Students & Scholars Office.
Applying for Advanced Standing
Subject to the regulations of the American Bar Association, BU Law may admit graduates of foreign law schools and allow credit for studies at foreign law schools. Foreign students who have been admitted to BU Law may ask the Academic Standards Committee for exemption from first-year courses. Requests must be made before the beginning of first-year classes. After their first year, foreign law graduates may petition the Academic Standards Committee for credit toward their upperclass credit requirements for courses taken at a foreign law school. However, if credit is granted for first-year and/or upperclass courses, the maximum credits that could be granted would equal one year’s worth of credit at BU Law (31 credits).
Official Check-in with the International Students & Scholars Office (ISSO)
Once you’ve arrived in Boston and are preparing for fall classes to begin, one of the most important things that a new international student must do is to inform Boston University officially that you have arrived in the United States. You can do this at BU’s International Students & Scholars Office (ISSO), located at 888 Commonwealth Avenue (in the rear of the building) (tel: 617-353-3565). Please bring your passport and visa documents when you check-in.
Pursuing Your JD at BU: An International Destination
For most As you look toward your future, take a moment to view this short video about the experience you can expect as a graduate student at Boston University. Graduate study at BU is an exciting prospect—from our diverse campus life to rigorous studies, professional opportunities to essential support for international students. We look forward to seeing you on campus soon. Until then, stay well.