With more than twenty courses to choose from, students are sometimes faced with the difficulty of choosing the twelve courses that would be most intellectually or professionally rewarding for them. To help focus their studies, the Graduate Program in Banking and Financial Law offers five optional concentrations from which students can choose:

The Business of Banking

A full range of courses involving banking regulation and products designed for students who intend to practice law or work in the banking industry. 

Compliance Management

A concentration which focuses on designing compliance systems for financial institutions in a regulatory environment which seeks to meet the heightened expectations for risk and compliance functions in regulated financial institutions in a post-crisis environment.

Financial Services Transactions

Designed for lawyers seeking to gain experience in conducting complex financial services transactions by complementing theory with a working knowledge of the practical aspects of structuring and executing a deal through in-class negotiation sessions and an internship. Students in this concentration are required to complete the Financial Services Internship.

Lending and Credit Transactions

Geared for lawyers who wish to specialize in various forms of lending, including issues involving loan structuring, perfection of security interests in property, foreclosure, and bankruptcy.

Securities Transactions

For those interested in matters involving equity and debt securities and the management of funds, including the obligations of issuers, their directors, and officers as well as fund managers and agents, and brokers and dealers.