Support for Email and Computers

Computer resources and technology support.

BU Law’s Information Services & Technology (IS&T) office oversees support and administration of computer labs and their related peripherals (printers and scanners). They provide personalized consulting and support at their on-site service desk location and manage all aspects of the building’s networking framework.

A wireless network is available throughout the law school for students with mobile devices. All first-year students receive free email, LEXIS, and WESTLAW accounts.

Students at Boston University also have free access to a wide variety of computing resources through the University’s Information Services & Technology office.

Email configuration

All entering students will be able to establish an email account with the University and access the online resources available through the Student Link during the summer. We will be emailing information to set up your Early Access to email and online resources from the Information Services & Technology office. The email will give you the information necessary to setup your BU login name, Kerberos password and email account, and the Help Desk phone number at IS&T in case you experience any difficulties in setting up your account. The “Early Access” program allows you access to online services such as email, the Student Link, the Off-Campus Housing List, Financial Aid Entrance Interview, and Medical Insurance Waiver.

In order to establish an early access email account, you’ll need your BU ID number. It is important for security reasons that you do not lose this number. Federal regulations prohibit the release of this information over the phone.

Purchasing a computer

Students have their choice of using a Windows or Apple laptop.  BU Law uses ExamSoft academic examination software, which runs on both platforms (see requirements below). The majority of students choose to use a laptop for portability and convenience when writing exams.  Wireless network coverage is available in most locations on campus and throughout the LAW complex.

Students can purchase hardware and software at educational prices through our university computer store.


Law exams are administered through ExamSoft – either via their online portal or using Examplify, software that students download and install on their laptop.  Below are the minimum system requirements from the most recent academic year (2022-2023).  More information regarding exams and ExamSoft registration will be provided in early-mid October.

Minimum Laptop Specifications

Spring 2023: PC Users – On March 14, 2023, ExamSoft will retire Examplify for Windows support of Windows 10 version 21H2 OS. If you are running this OS, please go to IT for an update.

PC System Requirements:

  • The versions of Windows certified for use are Windows 10 22H2, Windows 11 21H2, and Windows 11 22H2.
  • Alternate versions of Windows 10 and Windows 11, such as Windows RT and Windows 10 and 11 S, are NOT supported at this time.
  • Only genuine versions of Windows Operating Systems are supported.
  • The English (United States) Language Pack must be installed.
  • ExamSoft does not support tablet devices other than Surface Pro as detailed above.
  • CPU Processor: Non-ARM based processor supported by your operating system.
  • RAM: 4GB of usable RAM or higher
  • Hard drive: 4GB or higher of available space.
  • For on-site support, and in order to back up the answer files to a USB drive, a working USB port is required. (Newer devices may require an adaptor.)
  • For technical troubleshooting, account passwords including BitLocker keys, may be required.
  • Internet connection for download, registration, exam download, upload, and some exam features.
  • Examplify cannot be run within virtualized environments or environments that require persistent network (local or otherwise) connections during secure exams. This includes, but is not limited to, VMWare, Parallels, Citrix workspace, virtual disks, streamed images, etc.
  • Screen resolution should be at least 1280 x 768. Scaling should be set to 100%.
  • Administrator-level account permissions.

Mac System Requirements:

  • Big Sur, Monterey, and Ventura
  • Only genuine versions of Mac operating systems are supported.
  • CPU: Intel, M1, or M2 processor. Devices using Apple’s M1 and M2 processor and Apple Rosetta 2 are supported. To learn more, click here.
  • RAM: 4GB or higher.
  • Hard Drive: 4GB or higher available space.
  • For on-site support, and in order to back-up the answer files to a USB drive, a working USB port is required (Newer devices may require an adapter).
  • For technical troubleshooting, account passwords including device passwords may be required.
  • Server version of Mac OS X is not supported.
  • Examplify is not compatible with virtual operating systems such as Microsoft’s Virtual Machine, Parallels, VMware, VMware Fusion or any other virtual environments.
  • Internet connection is required for download, registration, exam download and upload.
  • Administrator-level account permissions.
  • Examplify is not compatible within virtualized environments or environments that require persistent network (local or otherwise) connections during secure exams. This includes, but is not limited to, VMWare, Parallels, Citrix workspace, virtual disks, streamed images, etc.
  • Screen resolution should be at least 1280 x 768. Scaling should be set to 100%.