WISEguys is a group looking to engage men in allyship with and advocacy for women in STEM. Reaching gender parity in the professional world requires the participation of all genders, and intervention at the individual and organizational levels. WISEguys aims to recruit male graduate students in this cause through events and resources centered on education, conversation, and action in cooperation with GWISE. We also aim to involve more men in the GWISE community, as GWISE events and volunteer opportunities are open to all who support women in STEM.

We have a WISEguys listserv that emails newsletters with GWISE and WISEguys events and opportunities. You can subscribe by emailing your request at gwise@bu.edu

If you would like to be involved with WISEguys, have thoughts on advocacy or dialogue-inspiring events that you would like to see, or have any questions, please email Daniel at danhart@bu.edu

Coffee & Conversations

GWISE Coffee & Conversations is a monthly informal journal club and discussion series, where we hope to provoke meaningful discussions about issues relevant to women in STEM. Each month, we select a topic of interest to the community and use a recent scientific or popular article as a launch point to facilitate a friendly and lively discussion over coffee, tea, and snacks. Past topics have included negotiation and implicit bias in mentoring.

WISEGuys Resources

How Do You See Women?

That’s What He Said YouTube Series

Interesting discussions about masculinity, dating in the #MeToo world, and violence/aggression

Ted talks about these topics as well: 
Engaging Men as Allies
Moving beyond boys will be boys
Challenging the Norms of Sexual Violence
How some men are challenging gender inequity in the lab
Critical Listening Guide: Just Because You Always Hear It, Doesn’t Mean It’s True
Interrupting Bias in Academic Settings
Male Advocates and Allies: Promoting Gender Diversity in Technology Workplaces