Kenneth Elmore Named a Pillar of Higher Education
Associate provost and dean of students honored by national education group Kenneth Elmore and San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz (CAS’84, Hon.’18) visiting the Howard Thurman Center for Common Ground May 18, 2018, Commencement weekend. The associate provost and dean of students has received an award from the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, nominated […]
BU Policies Protecting Free Speech to Get Fresh Look
As rhetoric nationwide intensifies, President Brown requests reviews and reports by fall In 1966, Edward Brooke (LAW’48,’50, Hon.’68) became the first African American popularly elected to the US Senate. Photo by BU Photography. Almost one-fifth of American undergraduates endorse violence to silence a campus speaker “known for making offensive and hurtful statements,” a 2017 survey […]
Matriculation: Class of 2022 Is Welcomed into the BU Family
President underscores University’s long commitment to diversity Sunday’s Matriculation was ceremonious: faculty and administrators donned academic dress, banners representing BU’s undergraduate schools and colleges were on display, and President Robert A. Brown wore his presidential doctoral gown and formal President’s Collar and carried the academic mace. Photo by Katherine Taylor. Diversity, both embracing it and […]
A Different Kind of Texas Candidate
Gina Ortiz Jones (CAS’03, GRS’03) is running for office because of Trump Gina Ortiz Jones (CAS’03, GRS’03) is trying to turn a US House of Representatives seat blue in the reddest of red states: Texas. Photo by Ana Isabel. If Gina Ortiz Jones beats the Republican incumbent to win the US House of Representative seat in […]
Commencement Speaker Rep. John Lewis Champions Civil Rights
Georgia congressman has devoted his life to making #goodtrouble Congressman John Lewis (D.-Ga.) will receive a Doctor of Laws at BU’s 145th Commencement Sunday. Photo courtesy of US House of Representatives. If you had to choose one life to represent the best of America over the last century, John Lewis’ would be a good choice. […]
American Academy of Arts & Sciences Elects Michael Hasselmo
CAS neuroscientist known for pioneering research—and building community Michael Hasselmo combines experiments and computational modeling to study how memory works in the brain. Photo (left) by Michael Spencer Photography. Michael Hasselmo, a College of Arts & Sciences professor of psychological and brain sciences, who is known for his pioneering research into memory as well as […]
Former UN Secretary-General Kicks Off BU Think Tank
Ban Ki-moon encourages students to think globally Ban Ki-moon, eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations, gave the keynote speech kicking off the opening of BU’s new Global Development Policy Center. Photo by Jackie Ricciardi. Former secretary-general of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon told a standing-room only crowd at BU’s Metcalf Trustee Center on Wednesday that […]
A BU Professor, Two Alums Win City of Boston Fellowships
Filmmaker, writer, and artist receive $10,000 grants Performance artist Marilyn Arsem (CFA’73) outside the Museum of World Culture in Sweden holding several gallons of melting peppermint ice cream. Photo courtesy of Marilyn Arsem. Marilyn Arsem has been called the godmother of performance art in Boston. Arsem (CFA’73) walked for miles across Svalbard, Norway’s thawing permafrost in the Arctic […]
CAS Researchers Working to Predict Future Climate Change
Findings could have implications for carbon cycling Harvard Forest in Petersham, Mass., is a more than 3,700-acre ecological research area where scientists have been carrying out experiments since 1907. Photo courtesy of Mark Friedl and Minkyu Moon. Forests’ role in absorbing carbon from fossil fuel emissions is important Researchers study spring’s timing to understand how […]
Searching for Life around the Stars
BU researcher studies M Dwarfs for clues Is there life out there? Mark Veyette studies the most common star type in our solar system for clues. Photo by Cydney Scott. To the epic search for life on other planets, Mark Veyette brings some of science’s most formidable technology: 300-pound infrared telescopes in Hawaii. The supercomputer […]