STM Alum Gives Inauguration Benediction

The 2021 US Presidential Inauguration was held January 20 under sunny skies, presaging a new beginning of hope and reconciliation for the United States of America. Rev. Silvester Beaman (STH’85), pastor of the Bethel AME Church in Wilmington, Del., a decades-long friend of President Joe Biden, gave the ceremony’s final benediction. Beaman prayed that Americans […]

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How Recent BU Alums Are Helping High Schoolers Apply to College

College Advising Corps provides a “near-peer” experience for first-gen students sweating the process Seniors Nedgyn Laloi (from left), Angy Bedoya, and Dariana Perez with their career and college advisor Miriam Alfaro (CAS’19) at English High School in Jamaica Plain. When Miriam Alfaro graduated from BU in May, she went right to work—helping young people like […]

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