Tag: Robert Saper

Highlights of 2015: BMC Program for Integrative Medicine & Health Disparities

        Dear Brian,  At BMC we believe all of our patients, regardless of their social or economic status, should have access to every available treatment. Gifts from our benefactors and other forms of much needed support from friends and colleagues helped create access to integrative care for the whole person, from hands-on therapies […]

Dr. Robert Saper featured in Science Daily: Mind-Body Course Has Positive Impact On Well-Being of Medical Students

A Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) study shows a mind-body class elective for medical students helps increase their self-compassion and ability to manage thoughts and tasks more effectively. The study, published inMedical Education Online, also discusses how this innovative course may help medical students better manage stress and feel more empowered to use mind-body […]