Videos Working, Site Design Update
We apologize for the Phaco Primer videos not working recently, however, we’ve completed our site re-design and hopefully everything is again functional.
Thanks for your patience.
Evidence Based Medicine is up
The Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) pages are up. Look for further content in the coming weeks.
Front Page Fixes
As many of you have noticed, "Ophthalmology" has been spelled incorrectly on our front page in the past. We have been working with our IT department to correct this recurring error, hopefully it has been permanently resolved. Our apologies if it recurs again, as it is both equally annoying to us and unfortunately out of our control.
Also, the bug blocking the drop down menus has been finally fixed.
Phacoemulsification settings updated
Small modification to phacoemulsification settings to reflect new IP mode on Infiniti.
Links updated
Update to external links, adding
Calendar Error Fixed
Small bug in Google calendar fixed now, so all events to the true end of the month are now displayed.
Internal updates
The internal web site for BU/BMC has been updated and is now available. BU (Kerberos) password is required.
Take the PhacoPrimer Survey
Help us improve our site by taking the BUEA Phacoemulsification Primer survey. Find the link in the right column.
Web Site Redesign
Finalized the web site redesign, now using WordPress. Look for more content soon!
WordPress conversion started
Conversion to a new WordPress-based web site is underway, stay tuned.