Diabetic Retinopathy Vitrectomy Study (DRVS)
Diabetic Retinopathy Vitrectomy Study (DRVS)
Is early vitrectomy preferable to delayed vitrectomy in eyes with severe vitreous hemorrhage from PDR?
Is early vitrectomy preferable to delayed vitrectomy in eyes with PDR without vitreous hemorrhage?
Patients with advanced active PDR with VA of 10/200 or better, or patients with recent vitreous hemorrhage from PDR causing reduction in VA to 5/200 or less for at least 1 month.
Patients were excluded who had previous vitrectomy, photocoagulation within previous 3 months, IOP > 29 on meds, severe NVI, or NVG.
This was a randomized, prospective multicenter clinical trial.
Patients were randomized to early vitrectomy (1 to 6 months) or delayed vitrectomy (after at least 12 months).
The primary outcome measure was visual acuity.
Group N: Natural history study with 744 eyes enrolled.
Group NR: Evaluated early vitrectomy vs. delayed vitrectomy in eyes with advanced PDR without severe vision loss (VA > 10/200). 370 eyes enrolled.
Group H: Evaluated early vitrectomy vs. delayed vitrectomy in eyes with PDR and history of sudden visual loss from severe vitreous hemorrhage within 6 months (VA < 5/200, but not NLP). 616 eyes enrolled.
Group NR 4-year results:
- Patients in the early vitrectomy group had better visual outcomes than those in the delayed vitrectomy group.
- Patients with type 1 DM had better visual outcomes with early vitrectomy than with delayed vitrectomy.
- Previous PRP increased chances of good vision.
- With increasing severity of NV, early vitrectomy was better than delayed vitrectomy.
Group H 2-year results:
- Patients with type 1 DM had better visual outcomes with early vitrectomy than with delayed vitrectomy.
- No advantage was seen with early vitrectomy in patients with type 2 DM.
Eyes undergoing early vitrectomy were more likely to have VA ≥ 20/200 at 3 months.
Eyes undergoing early vitrectomy were more likely to have VA ≥ 20/40 at 2 years.
Better anatomic results were seen with early vitrectomy.
The greatest long-term benefit of early vitrectomy was seen in patients with type 1 DM.
The benefits of early vitrectomy increased with increasing severity of NV.
NLP was observed in 20% of eyes after vitreous hemorrhage regardless of intervention.
Early vitrectomy is recommended for eyes with severe vision loss from non-clearing VH of at least 1 month’s duration in patients with type 1 DM, or in monocular patients regardless of the type of diabetes.
Early vitrectomy is also recommended for eyes with advanced active PDR, particularly when extensive NV is present.