Dan Li publishes on atmospheric boundary layer in Atmospheric Research
Assistant Professor Dan Li has published a single-author, invited review article titled “Turbulent Prandtl number in the atmospheric boundary layer – where are we now?” in Atmospheric Research. Turbulent Prandtl number is named after the Father of Modern Fluid Mechanics, Ludwig Prandtl, and is an indicator of how turbulent transport of heat differs from its counterpart of momentum. It is a key parameter in first-order turbulence closure schemes used in weather and climate models. In this article, Professor Li reviews recent advances in understanding and modeling of turbulent Prandtl number in the atmospheric boundary layer and presented a unifying framework for turbulent Prandtl number based on his own recent work. For more information on Professor Li’s research, visit http://sites.bu.edu/efm/http://sites.bu.edu/efm/.