Predoctoral Research

The Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine (GSDM) offers formal research training for dental students. Pre-doctoral research opportunities are open to 4-year DMD students and 2-year DMD Advanced Standing students who maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher in their didactic and clinical courses.  To apply, please complete the Research Application form.

More information on specific programs and opportunities is available below:


4-year DMD Students

GSDM offers formal research training for credit to 4-year DMD Students who maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher in their didactic and clinical courses. The first-year training takes place following the completion of DMD didactic courses during the APEX rotation from May to July. The research rotation is based on a five-day week as students contribute one additional day as follows: 1) students dedicate two days for research training and three days for the APEX clinical assignment; or 2) students dedicate three days for research training (30 hours per week) and two days for the APEX clinical assignment under the Intensive Research Elective Course IREC1; or 3) students may do research on a voluntary basis and are expected to spend 10+ hours per week in research training.

Intensive Research Elective Course (IREC)

4-year DMD first-year students in good academic standing with a 3.0 GPA or higher who participated in research during the second semester of their dental education on a voluntary basis, or those with prior research experience, are eligible to apply to the IREC1. Students are selected by a committee to participate during the APEX rotation and can continue with research training during the second and third years under IREC2 and IREC3.

2-year Advanced Standing (AS) Students

GSDM offers elective research opportunities to 2-year DMD AS students starting the second semester of the first year. Students need to apply for research at least one month before their intended starting date. Students need to consider their availability for at least 4 hours per session, 12 hours per week, when applying for biomedical research. Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher in their didactic and clinical courses to be considered for research training.


More information on Predoctoral Research at GSDM

Student Research Group

Rotation prerequisites

Advanced Standing Student Research Opportunities

DMD Research Opportunities

Guidelines for Predoctoral Students Requesting Support to Travel and/or Present at Research Meetings


Statistical Consulting Form


Article Critique Guide

How to Write a Critique

Intensive Research Elective Course (IREC)

IREC Questionnaire

IREC Student Responsibilities Syllabus

IREC Timesheet

Scholarships and Awards

NIDCR Fellowship Opportunities

AADR Awards & Fellowships 2019

External Predoctoral Research Opportunities:


Pre-doctoral News & Announcements:

Student Spotlight: Manavi Nagai DMD 22

Manavi Nagai, a recent graduate of GSDM, was one of nine dental students from around the country conducting research as part of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) Summer Dental Student Award, through which selected students spend eight weeks at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland.  She participated in the summer of 2019. 

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