Memorial Wall
We are grateful to these donors for providing our team, the scientific community, and the world with understanding, insight, and invaluable knowledge about the effects of neurotrauma. Brain donation is a precious gift, and every donation is important in getting us closer to finding a way to diagnose CTE in the living. Thank you to the families of these donors for bravely and graciously participating in our research, and for trusting us with the donation of their loved one’s brain. Â
Donors are listed regardless of their diagnosis, and not all brain bank donors are listed. Those listed are with permission from the family, and many of the families are active members of the Concussion Legacy Foundation’s Legacy Family Community. You can read many of their stories here.Â
Boston University CTE Center Memorial Wall
Robert Abrams
Phillip Adams
Kenneth Adamson
Robert Allardice
Jarred Alwan
George Andrie
Peter Antoniou
Mark Arneson
Rick Arrington
Timothy Attaway
Stephen Bakita
Thomas A. Barr
Michael Bartlett
Maxie Baughan
Curtis Baushke
Terry P. Beasley
John Bell
Alexander Benecick
Wells Black
Richard Blackmore
Jeffrey Blackshear
Jeffrey Blake
Sam Boghosian
Derek Boogaard
Dorian Boose
Colton Brennan
Bill 'Boom Boom' Brown
Joseph 'Barry' Brown
Raymond Brown
John Bruhin
William Burnett
Kyle Calloway
Alexander Canchari
Robert Capan
Robert Card, II
Ira Gene Carter
Matt Cappotelli
Andrew Carroll
Howard Cassady
Max Chamberlin
Robert C. Clark
Joseph Coffey
Gerald Colaner
James Conway
Bo Cothran
Joseph Coyle
Paul Crane
Jim Crenshaw
Chuck Crist
Irv Cross
Kenneth Cross
Stephen Cushing
William (Randy) Davis
Fred Dean
Taylor Dever
Daniel DiFrancesco
Adrian Dingle
Peter Dobelis
Paul Dominik
William Michael Dowling, Jr.
Steven Dudowitz
Dennis Duncan
Duane Dunstone
Dan Ehle
Troy Ellis
Michael Charles Evans, Jr.
Dennis Fase
Jimmy Fauser
Ralph Ferraro
Willard Fiddler
Hunter Foraker
Clifford Fountain
Joseph Buxton Fowler
Jason Franklin
Brian Fronczek
Bob Fry
Jimmy Fryatt
John Gaal, Jr.
James Gabriel
Matthew Garver
Matt Gee
Bill Geisdorf
Cookie Gilchrist
Todd Gillingham
Gregory Giovanazzi
Patrick Grange
John Grenier, Jr.
Steven Griffith
John Grimsley
Mark Gustafson
John Hacker
Howard Hale
Brent Hancock
Walter Haney
Harry Hanna
Evan Hansen
Benjamin Hawkins
David Hawkins
Peter Hayek
Martin Healy
John Heidbrink
Steve Heimkreiter
Tevin Hendrix
Terry Henigan
Todd Hennemuth
Thomas Gregory Hickson, Jr.
Michael Hoban
Zach Holm
Paul Hornung
Thomas Wilson Hotze
Charlie Hourihan
James Houston
P. Huck
Robert J. Hudson
Dale Huebner
Donnie Humphrey
Tom Hunter
Charles Hurtado
Albert Hyer, Jr.
Sale Isaia
Boyd Jajesnica
Jamaar Jarrett
John Jewell
Calvin Jones, Jr.
Michael Keck
Louis L. Kelly
Michael Kennally
Bryce Kennedy
Harold Keohane
Corey Kerr
Kenny Keys
Marcus Grant Killerlain
Christopher Kingseed
Ronald Kinsey
Steven Klein
Bruce Kramer
Dale Kreimeyer
Noah Lahman
Robert Lamers
Eric LaPlaca
David Lawson, Sr.
George (Jeffrey) Lee
Jeremiah Lee
Willie Lee
Bill Lenkaitis
Nicholas Leone
Ray Anthony Lewis, III
Timothy Leyden
Meiko Locksley
Ronald Lorentzen
Edward Lothamer
Michael Lugauskas
Ann K. Lulloff
David Lunceford
Eric Lundberg
John Mahan
Deborah Mandigo
Bozidar Maric
Jason Marshall
Greg Marx
Holly Matson
Luke Matson
Rick McClelland
R. Wayne McDaniel
John Stephen McGuire
Michael McGuirk
Tom McHale
John McKenna
Justin McRae
Eugene Merlino
Julian Merlino
John Michels
Stan Mikita
Hulett Miller, Jr.
Courtney R.E. Mills
Nick Miniati
Jim Mohr
Guy Morriss
Erle Morse
Drew Mulligan
Robert John Murdoch
Michael Murray
Duquan Myers
Gary Myers, Jr.
Richard 'Dick' Narcessian
Parsia Nejad
Joseph R. O'Donnell
Ethan Ogata
Joseph O'Malley
Thomas O'Malley
Kory Ouellette
Roy Lee Owen
Terry Owens
Robert R. Palmer
Francis Pantuosco
Bob Parsons
Michael Patrick
Chadwick M. Paul
Eric Pelly
Elizabeth Pelton
Juan Perez
Richard Pickens
Kyle Raarup
Robert Rader
Dustin Rees
Mike Reilly
Robert L. Rice, IV
Phillip Richardson
Bob Riley
Patrick Risha
Timothy Roberts
Steve Romanik
Rocky Rosema
Edward Allen Roth
Robert Rowan
Max Runager
Dylan Rutherford
Edward Ryan
Frank Ryan
Tyler Sash
Brent Scanlon
Michael Scarpace
John Kirk Schlueter
Nicholas Schmalhofer
Kurt Schmitz
Curtis Sellick
Larry Shaw
Bubba Smith
Mark C. Smith
Steve Smith
Melvin Snook
Kanamti Solomon
Daniel Strawbridge
Walter Strobach
Jerry Sturm
Paul Sujdak
Milt Sunde
Thomas C. Sweeney
Michael Tanner
Benjamin Taylor
Charlie Thayer
Paul Theriault
Clarke Todd
Robert Tompkins
Ryan Tragakis
Matthew Traverso
Harold Trentham, Jr.
Christopher Tschupp
Max Tuerk
Kyle Uber
Bradley Van Heeswyk
Derek W. Van Slyck
Tommy Vaughn
Mark Loys von Kreuter
Robert E. Walden, II
Allen Way
Bernard Webster
Kenneth Wells
Lance Weidner
William E. 'Buddy' Wesley, Sr.
Charles White
Lou White
William Wieland
Dennis Williams
Rick E. Williams
Stanley T. Wilson, Jr.
Stephen Wilson
Leslie Wolff
Rodney Woodward
Dennis Yanzick
Anthony Zahn
Roger Zatkoff