Schaus & Virus Research Featured in ScienceDaily
ScienceDaily, has featured the research of a team of Boston University scientists in which they identified a novel compound that inhibits viruses from replicating.
The findings, which were published online in the Journal of Virology, could lead to the development of highly targeted compounds to block the replication of poxviruses, such as the emerging infectious disease, Monkeypox.
Investigators from the Boston University School of Medicine (Dr. Ken Dower and Dr. John Connors) teamed with Professor Scott Schaus to use a library of chemicals from the CMLD-BU to identify compounds that could stop vaccinia from replicating inside human cells.
Professor Schaus is Associate Professor in the Boston University Department of Chemistry. The Center for Chemical Methodology and Library Development at Boston University (CMLD-BU) is an National Institutes of Health Funded Center of Excellence in the area of chemical methodology and library development.
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