Spring Cyber Alliance Seminar Series
The Program on Intellectual Property & Information Law (PIPIL) has an ongoing collaboration with BU’s Hariri Institute for Computing and Questrom School of Business’ Susilo Institute for Ethics in the Global Economy. As part of this collaboration, cross-disciplinary talks and presentations are alternatively hosted by the Law School, Questrom, or Hariri, depending on the subject matter. This Cyber Alliance Speaker Series is an opportunity for all members of the BU community to meet scholars and experts in the fascinating issues at the intersections of law, technology, business, and policy.
Check out our lineup of speakers for the spring Cyber Alliance seminar series! New speakers are added frequently, so be sure to check back soon for more information. Recordings of these talks will also be uploaded here as they are available.
April 6, 2022 3:30pm
Speaker: Ran Canetti
March 16, 2022 3:30pm
Biased Reputations: using cross-listed properties to identify the negative effects of race on users’ reputations on Airbnb
Speaker: Tamar Kricheli-Katz
Kricheli-Katz will show that users' reputations on the sharing economy platform of Airbnb are racially biased.
January 19, 2022 3:30pm
Data relations and the digital economy
Speaker: Salome Viljoen
This talk argues that popular approaches to data governance share a common conceptual flaw. Put simply, they miss the point of data production in a digital economy: to put people into population-based relations with one another.
VIDEO RECORDING: https://bostonu.zoom.us/rec/share/PbH5312pVrGyIcyrGeiu63REMq570e-_fcXkxhdKRD2YhcLGS-GtXE0NS3KU3mwk.h3TN38e2JM7cNv5e
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