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How do I enroll in the BU medical insurance?

Boston University automatically enrolls full-time, three-quarter time, and international students in the Basic Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP).  The SHIP premium is billed through your student account.  For information on how to enroll in the more comprehensive Plus plan or how to add dependents, please visit Student Accounting Services.

Can I waive the BU medical insurance?

Health insurance is required by the state of Massachusetts.  You have the opportunity to waive SHIP coverage provided you have other coverage that meets the comparable coverage requirements.  For additional information, please visit Student Accounting Services.

When does coverage start and end?

Health insurance coverage takes effect once the student successfully registered for the fall semester or on August 15, whichever is later, and it ends on August 14 of the following year.  Students who graduate in January or who go part-time in spring can enroll in fall only coverage before December 31; in this case, the coverage will end on December 31 and the premium will be adjusted.  For additional information, please visit Student Accounting Services.

Does my fellowship cover the cost of my BU medical insurance?

Insurance credits are not an entitlement, they are tied to your earnings as a graduate student, regardless of what program, degree, or year you are in.  Graduate students receive an insurance credit that covers half the cost ($1,701 in fall 2024/$1,700 in spring 2025) of the Basic Student Health Insurance Plan premium ($3,401 in AY24-25) in each semester (fall/spring) that they receive a weekly or monthly paid stipend of at least $5,000 (refer to insurance credit info for service stipends and non-service stipends). If you choose to enroll in the Plus Student Health Insurance Plan, and or enroll any dependents, you will be responsible for the difference in cost between the two plans. For information on the Boston University Student Medical Insurance plans, please visit Student Accounting Services.

My fellowship covers the cost of the Basic plan, but I still see a balance on my student account for insurance. Why?

Although the full cost of the insurance plan appears on your fall semester bill, medical insurance credits are awarded on a semester basis.  A credit for half the annual cost of the Basic plan will appear in the fall semester and then the other half of the credit will appear in the spring semester, as long as you receive a stipend of at least $5,000 in each semester. Since the credits are split in half you will have a balance on your fall bill for half of the Basic plan’s cost. As long as you are eligible for a spring insurance credit, and you have no other outstanding charges on your account, your student account will be considered settled/paid. If you enroll in the PLUS plan, you will need to pay the difference in cost between the two plans by the payment deadline.

I do not have a full fellowship, but I am receiving a stipend. Will I receive a credit for my medical insurance?

Graduate students who earn at least $5,000 in a semester are eligible for a medical insurance credit that covers half the cost of the annual basic plan premium for that semester. To qualify for full coverage of the annual basic plan, you must earn at least $5,000 per semester in both the fall and spring semesters.

I will graduate at the end of the fall semester.  What happens to my coverage?  Will I owe any balance?

Health insurance coverage takes effect once the student successfully registered for the fall semester or on August 15, whichever is later.  Students remain enrolled in the insurance through August 14 of the following year even if they withdraw at any point during the fall or spring semester, or graduate at the end of the fall semester.  The premium is automatically charged to your student account in the fall semester when you enroll in the plan.  If you graduate at the end of the fall semester and will not have earnings of at least $5,000 in the spring semester, you will owe the remaining balance of the insurance premium and your diploma will be withheld until your student account balance is paid off. Students who graduate in January or who go part-time in spring can enroll in fall only coverage before December 31; in this case, the coverage will end on December 31 and the premium will be reduced.  For additional information, please visit Student Accounting Services.

If I don’t use the insurance or waive the enrollment, will I receive a refund?

No.  You will not receive any kind of refund if you end up not using your insurance. The insurance credit is an additional benefit that is tied to your stipend earnings. It is not paid for by your stipend. Waiving the insurance will not increase your stipend.