Lara Ehrlich
Editor, Senior Writer
- lehrlich@bu.edu
- Website
- @EhrlichLara
- (617) 358-2139
Lara Ehrlich (UNI’02) graduated from BU’s (now-defunct) University Professors program—and found her way back to BU a decade later. She was the editor of the magazines for BU’s College of Arts & Sciences, College of Fine Arts, School of Hospitality Administration, and College of General Studies, and her work has won awards from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. She has a master’s degree from the University of Chicago and is also a fiction writer; her short story collection, Animal Wife, won Red Hen’s Fiction Award and is forthcoming from Red Hen Press in fall 2020. Her writing appears in literary magazines and journals, including StoryQuarterly, Hunger Mountain, and The Massachusetts Review, among others.